Chapitre 13 : I killed someone....

Start from the beginning

The girl tilted her head slightly, a playful glint in her eyes. "Well," she began, her voice soft and melodic,
"like what you see, perhaps ?" Her words hung in the air, teasing Isaac's curiosity even further.

Isaac's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and intrigue. He hadn't expected such a bold response. He stammered, searching for words that would adequately express his admiration. "...uh...well, yes. You're.. you're incredibly beautiful," he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I know," she replied, opining her book. Her eyes flickered slightly, acknowledging the compliment, but betraying a hint of amusement. She was used to receiving such praises, often leaving others speechless with her striking features.

"What do you mean by 'drain of blood' ?" asked Scott to his best friend, Stiles, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Stiles chuckled softly, adjusting his invisible glasses before responding,
"Well, my friend, the concept of a
'drain of blood' is a metaphorical expression that symbolizes a significant loss or depletion of energy, vitality, or life force from a person or a situation."

Scott furrowed his brow, trying to comprehend the abstract meaning behind the phrase. "So, you're saying it's like someone or something sucking the life out of you ?" he questioned, trying to connect the dots.

Stiles nodded, appreciating Scott's effort to grasp the concept. "Exactly !Imagine a situation where you put all your effort and energy into something, only to feel completely exhausted and drained afterward. It's like a vampire sucking the blood out of its victim, leaving them weak and lifeless."

Ariel puts a lock of hair behind her ear to listen carefully to their conversation. Beside her, Isaac is also listening to the conversation of the two teenage boys.

"Shit" she whispered to herself when she heard the word vampire. "Bianca's gonna kill me."

She had promised her best friend not to kill someone or even drink from the vein of someone. It was a pact they made many years ago, a pact born out of their shared desire to lead a peaceful and moral existence. Ariel had been turned into a creature of the night against her will, found solace in each other's company and sought to hold onto her humanity, despite her insatiable thirst for blood.

For years, she managed to resist her primal urges, relying on animal blood and synthetic alternatives to satiate her hunger. She lived in the shadows, blending seamlessly into human society, always careful not to let her true nature be discovered.

However, as time passed, the weight of her immortal existence began to bear heavily on her best friend. The hunger, the constant struggle to suppress her true nature, became increasingly difficult to bear. The longing for the taste of fresh human blood, the intoxicating allure of power, started to consume her thoughts.

One fateful night, when the moon was shrouded in darkness, Ariel succumbed to her inner demons. Overwhelmed by the relentless thirst, she broke the sacred pact. The pact that had bound her for centuries, keeping her in check, preventing her from succumbing to the darkness that dwelled within her.

"That's the reason why she wanted me to drink from her veins," she whispered, her voice trembling with an eerie intensity.

"'re going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments," continued Mr.Harris even though Ariel wasn't listening to what we was saying.

"I gotta go !" she exclaimed suddenly, interrupting Mr.Harris mid-sentence. Without waiting for a response, Ariel hastily gathered her belongings and rushed towards the classroom door. Her mind was preoccupied with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

As she stepped out of the classroom, the cool air outside felt refreshing against her flushed cheeks.
Ariel knew she needed a moment to collect herself and regain her composure. She moved towards a quiet corner of the corridor, away from the bustling students, and took a deep breath. The overwhelming feeling of nausea churned within her, threatening to overcome her composure.
Desperate to find some relief, she hurriedly scanned her surroundings until her eyes landed on a nearby garbage can.

With a mix of embarrassment and desperation, she stumbled towards it, her body trembling with the effort to hold back the impending sickness. As she reached the trash bin, her hand grasped the edge for support, while her other hand clutched her churning stomach. With a deep breath, she bent over and emptied the contents of her stomach into the bin, relieving some of the discomfort momentarily.

As she retched, she felt a gentle touch on her back, followed by a firm grip on her hair. She turned her head slightly, her watery eyes meeting the concerned gaze of her best friend, Bianca.

The tears streaming down her face were a reflection of the pain she was feeling deep inside. Bianca reached out, placing a gentle hand on her trembling shoulder, offering comfort in the midst of her despair.

"What happened? You don't puke usually." Bianca asked softly, her voice filled with genuine concern. She knew something must have happened to bring her friend to this point of distress. The weight of the unspoken words hung heavily in the air, urging her to share her burden.

"I killed someone..."

Yes, Ariel Jocelyn Grimes was ready to kill someone if they get in her way of killing Derek Hale but taking an innocent life was not something she took lightly.



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Hi guys ! 🩵

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Perfect Disaster ! Some tensions between Ariel & Isaac 🤭

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