She pulled him up by his jumper as the boys shoved him forward, ready to be entertained.

I smirked as I watched him slowly move in front of her as she held her arms up in position. "Now, please place your right hand on my waist."

I nearly lost it as his eyes darted widely. "Where?"

"My waist. Now, bend your arm."

I glanced over at his brothers as they whistled and chuckled at his agony.

I raised my brow at Harry as he grinned stupidly as he enjoyed his best friend's humility.

I watched as they started dancing to the music. His face held displeasure as he was led around the room.

I looked over at the twins, smiling as they pretended to dance. "Psst. Oi. You're never gonna let him live this down, are you?"

They leaned closer to me, matching smirks on their faces. "Never."

McGonagall smiled towards me, nodding her head to the boys. "Miss Arcadia, would you and Miss Bloom help with the boys? Get them on their feet with the girls."

"Of course, Professor."

Martha swiftly made her way over to the girls, grabbing the hand of a random sixth year as I grabbed George.

I winked at him, leading him over to the stunned girl. "Now, please place your hands in the appropriate manner. That's it. Now, George, it is the way that the gentleman leads the lady around the ballroom. Give it a try."

I watched as Martha corrected their movements before nodding in approval as they got the hang of it.

Martha and I randomly selected pairs and did the same in teaching them successfully in the dance.

Martha grabbed Neville, who blushed bright red as she danced with him around the room, leaving me with Harry.

I arched my brow as he smirked, bowing slightly with his hand out. "May I have this dance, dear lady?"

I rolled my eyes, smiling as I placed mine in his. "Of course, good sir. Lead the way."

We laughed together as we danced around the room, chuckling as we watched Ron finally leave McGonagall to dance with a blushing Hermione. We danced around for a few more songs, slowly parting again as McGonagall clapped her hands.

"Beautifully done. Now, since we have Miss Arcadia and Miss Bloom with us, I would like to ask each of you to watch as they properly show you the dance from start to finish. If you please, my dears."

I clicked my fingers, changing my uniform into a formal fitted suit. I straightened up my vest as Martha copied my actions, her uniform turning into a simple elegant light blue gown.

I held my hand out for her as she took it, guiding us to the centre of the room. "Now boys, you will need to watch me as I will lead the male part while girls follow Martha as she does the females."

I smiled as we stood apart from each other, bowing to her as she curtsied. We held our hands gently against each other, eyes never wavering from one another as I led her around gracefully, lifting her and twirling her at the right moments.

She smiled as she leaned in slightly. "I think you are making a few jealous."

I glanced around until I spotted three men at the doors. James was smiling as he glanced between me and his friends. Remus was standing with his arms crossed, his brows furrowed as Sirius leaned against the frame, his brow raised in amusement.

I giggled lightly, leaning closer to her ear. "Then let's have fun with it."

We smirked wickedly as she turned herself around, leaning her back into me as I placed my hand on her hip, swaying us in step as we continued to dance. We kept switching between the two before finally finishing off with our hands held together with opened palms, merely a few inches away from each other's faces.

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