A Real Birthday Party

Start from the beginning

Hari thinks for a moment and swallows.

"You, you don't have to do anything," Hari says pushing the food around.

Kim smiles and using her spoon to get Hari's attention on her sighs. She makes a funny face with her eyes crossed and part of her tongue poking out the corner of her mouth. This startles a giggle out of Hari.

"I want to Hari. We are family and I can't tell you how happy I am to give you this. I know I'm only a year older so you can just call me Kim. I want to repeat that I will do whatever I have to do to give you all that I can," Kim says.

Kim then finds herself being hugged fiercely. she is stunned for a minute but returns the hug gently. She strokes the smaller head in her arms.

"You are quite welcome," Kim says in her soft voice.

July comes quickly to an end. The night of the 30th shows Hari in her room.

Hari had been laying awake for a while. Sleep was more elusive than a snitch. There was a tapping at the window. Two owls sat on the ledge. One was Kim, the other almost looked like Malfoy's eagle owl. Hari shook her head, no that's not right, his owl wouldn't be so disheveled. Hari stands and opens the window. Both owls flap in and Hedwig looks at both of them.

Kim changes forms to stand in a long sleep shirt and shorts. She shakes herself and looks at the other owl. Hari was reminded of an owl ruffling its feathers.

"Bubou was harassing this one and I had to take wing myself. The wards won't let anything bad in but Bubou has been a bit territorial about unfamiliar owls coming near bedrooms since my first change," Kim yawns and scratches Bubou as Bubou lands on the window sill.

"Umm, that's ok. I think the owl belongs to the Malfoys," Hari says stuttering.

"Well let's check," Kim says looking at the owl.

Taking the note from the owl and it flies off with Bubou flying in silent escort. Kim closes the window most of the way. Kim holds the note out to Hari and pushes her magic through it in a practiced motion. A soft green glow is her response.

"Here you go, all safe," Kim says handing the letter out to Hari.

Hari blinks and looks to Kim. She shakes her head confused.

"How, how, what did you do," Hari asks.

"That is a simple mail charm. If it comes back green it's perfectly safe. Yellow means there is a spell, charm or potion on or in it that is harmless. Red means danger and to dispose of it asap," Kim instructs.

"I learned it from my Charms professor Takahashi at Illvermorny. We can practice it after your birthday tomorrow," Kim says as Hari takes the letter.

"So what does Heir Malfoy say," Kim asks as Hari opens the letter.

To the one who was known as Harry Potter,

I want to apologize for my rudeness this last year. After a long talk with my parents, I now understand that you might not have been aware of certain social protocols that are key to our society. My actions were not proper for one Heir to another even when interrupted. I wish to start with a cleaner slate because I know that it cannot be wiped completely clean. I have written Heir Longbottom and Ms. Granger as well to apologize for my more egregious insensitivities.  I hope that we can move forward and have at least a civil correspondence moving forward.

Heir Draco Lucius Malfoy.

Kim watches Hari's reactions reading the letter. When Hari is done with a second reading she holds out her hand and tilts her head to the side. Hari hands over the letter in response to the silent question. Kim reads through the letter and smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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