Valentine cuddles

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Silvia and Bumbleboy oneshot
Also lots of fluff :3

"Ugh, where is he??" Silvia was flying through out the town, looking for Bumbleboy. Silvia had prepared a Valentines gift for him, a small box of stardust chocolates. (She calls them that because she steals them from the local chocolatier factory, then sprinkled them with stardust)

Finally landing on the floor, she walks around in the park for a bit until she spots one of Bumblebee's bees.

"Hey! Bee! You know Bumble is?" She asked the bee. There wasn't much of a difference speaking with butterflies or bees or moths, so she could communicate with them.

"Ah! Silvia! Follow me!" The bee said, calling some more bees to push her back to follow the bee.

"Okay okay, I'm going" she chuckled, getting the bees to stop pushing her.

As they walked around for a bit, they reached a small flower with pink and yellow petals. The flower hadn't bloomed yet, but the colours caught her eye.

"This flower is so cute! Too bad it's not bloomed.."

"We can make it bloom!" A voice behind her said. She recognised it instantly as Bumbleboy.

"Bumble!" She hugged him. "I was looking for you! Here! I got you a little something!" She handed him the box of stardust chocolate.

"Awh, Silvia! You didn't need to get me anything.. and also you bet me to it! I got you something!" He laughed.

"Too late! What did you get me?" She questioned, her curiosity very visible.

"Turn around."

She did just that and noticed Orticia using her powers to bloom the flower into a big flower, big enough to hold people in it.

"For the record, he bribed me into this. It's totally not because I think you guys are cute." Orticia stated, before walking back to her own little bush.

"It's so cute! But.. what's it for?" She asked, still very curious.

"Us!" He held her hands and lifted her up into the flower as the both landed on the pollen inside.

"It's like a little bed for us to nap together in!"

"Bumble... last one to fall asleep eats all the stardust chocolates!" She hugged him right and closed her eyes to try and sleep fast.

"Maybe not all of them, we can share!" He grabbed the box and opened one to give to her, as she ate it from his hand.

"Happy Valentine's Day.." she was still hugging him (obviously not as tight), as he began to cuddle with was her as well.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Silvia." He nuzzled his head into her hair.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Bumbleboy." She nuzzled her face into his arm, and slowly, the two fell fast asleep.

Told ya, lots of fluff.

Now I'm gonna go cry in singleness >>

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