Walk with new deer friends

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for the sake of this, I'm editing the order of Santa's reindeer, making Cupid & Comet the youngest reindeers.

Everyone in this fanfic are 10-15 and not 6 like the show. Please remember that.

"Phoebe! Phoebe! Phee! Phee! Be! Be! Be! Be!"
"What is it?" Phoebe snapped at her sister, Snolla.

"Some of the other reindeers are inviting us to a walk around iceworld! They said that after we do a lap we'll come back to one of their igloos for snacks and a game night!" Snolla exclaimed, her excitement very noticeable.

"Alright, we can go. Who's hosting?" Phoebe asked. It had only been a month after they were released from the crystal, so they were still getting used to everyone's names.

Of course, a games night did sound fun to Phoebe. It was a chance for the both of them to understand the new ways of iceworld. And to make friends, of course.

"They said Flakey and her Dad were hosting! And they said they invited Santa's reindeers aswell, after they came around this side iceworld last week for Christmas!"

"Huh, gives you a chance to make some friends! And gives me a chance to understand how this place works now. Come on, let go!" Phoebe go up from the log inside their own igloo, and they headed off to the rest of the reindeers.

Phoebe & Snolla understand the 'neighs' of the reindeers, but they are the only two who can speak English. The language barrier doesn't exist after the two switch from neighs to English to explain what they want to say.

As they arrived to the herd of other reindeers, they were greeted by some of Santa's reindeer. Specifically, Comet & Dasher.

"Hey! You're Phoebe right? You're the one who was trapped in the crystal for 1000 years!" Dasher asked, remembering the legend of them  that all the elder reindeer used to tell. Everyone thought it was made up until they popped out of the crystal and back into existence.

"We actively try to avoid that legend. Anyways yes, so nice to meet you! This is Snolla, incase you haven't met her yet." Phoebe hugged Snolla as a way to introduce her.

Snolla said hi to the reindeers before noticing something. The youngest reindeer comet, had the same antlers as Snolla.

Now, in iceworld, a reoccurring myth is that soulmates will have the same antlers. With Phoebe as the only exception. Snolla, who was very stunned, placed it aside and acted like nothing happened, hoping that Comet didn't notice.

"Well let's start the walk, shall we!" Dasher said, before letting out a loud neigh to the other reindeers. "Let's begin the walk, shall we?" And with that. He began leading the way.

"The place looks so.. different from what I remember.." Phoebe looked around, in awe of how much more beautiful Iceworld has become.

"Well it has been over 1000 years. Lots has changed!"

As Phoebe and Dasher were chatting, Snolla and Comet were walking side by side.

"So.. you're one of Santa's reindeer?" Snolla asked, trying to start some conversation.

"Yup! I'm the youngest of the bunch. Dasher over there is the oldest. I have so much fun flying with them!" He exclaimed.

"Oh! You know who else can fly?" Snolla playfully said.

Snolla quickly used her magic, making her antlers glow and so with her hooves. She made a run up and jumped into the air. "Me." She proudly said, raising her hoof.

Comet giggled at her flight, because they have something in common and he's glad about that, he joins her in the air "hey, maybe we can go on a fly together!"

"Hey Phoebe! Can Coment and I go on a fly together?" She asked her sister.

"Alright! Don't go to far!"

The two reindeer head off in flight, racing each other side by side. "You're really good at flying!" Comet said. Snolla blushed at the compliment while looking at him, and didn't realise she was about to crash into a pine tree.

"Ow.." she rubbed her head, slowing descending back onto the ice of iceworld. Comet also floating down with her, to make sure she's okay.

"You good?" He picked up her hoof to help her stand up. He was pretty much holding her hand, which made her blush even more.

"Y-yeah.. I'm okay.. just a little woozy.." she got back up onto four hooves (one still being held by comet). She was blushing profusely and was praying that Comet wouldn't notice.

Meanwhile Comet is freaking out over he's actually holding her hoof.. and the fact they have the same antlers.

The two walked back to the herd, both walking next to each other. They hadn't stopped blushing, but they could tell, that they would have a very special relationship. And that this was day 1.

End of oneshot

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