Chapter 6: No More Shenanigans

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Chapter 6: No more shenanigans

Students meandered into the auditorium with all the enthusiasm of cows heading into an abattoir. Thurston marveled at the place and its ergonomic stadium seating, hydraulic stage, and massive screen for multimedia presentations. The screen was descending at that moment to reveal an image of him, Thurston, in his ridiculously tiny shirt. He looked at the screen and the massive head seen there stared back. How'd they get this so quickly? He wondered as the room erupted in laughter. Only then did the student council come from backstage.

It was like a wave of gloom radiated off them. The previously raucous students immediately settled down.

The first student he recognized as Seraphima Reyes, the other three he'd seen pictures of in the yearbook but the slight differences made it hard to tell which was which.

Seraphima began, "We wanted to let all students know Marcus will be back on his feet in time to take us all the way to the national wrestling finals." She paused as some enthusiastic but mostly dutiful applause rose and fell. She continued "As the student council, it is our responsibility to ensure students remain physically and emotionally safe in order to effectively pursue their academic endeavors. In light of recent events, notably an altercation between our state champ and a new student, we are resurrecting the student disciplinary committee." Again she paused, this time to waves of "awwww, come on." After the moping was done she finished, "This course of action has the approval of the administration. We will be accepting applications from those interested..." The rest of her spiel was about minimum GPAs and rotating schedules, all of it largely ignored by Thurston who noticed how every ounce of goodwill he'd garnered as the guy that took down Marcus Cooper transformed into ill will for being the guy that brought back a disciplinary committee.

The rest of the day was a wash. Thurston was confident that if he didn't stop having these life altering interactions on a daily basis he'd never get any work done. When he finally caught up to Fatima after school she was about to head into the gym.

"Fatima, hi! So what's this exit ceremony or whatever?"

Fatima was in no rush to confront the near future and jumped on the chance to delay it, "When the House of Resurgence inducts a member they go through a trial by fire. Basically they get in a brawl with five other members. When a member gets the boot, they go out the same door they came in, you might say."

"Are you telling me you're going in there to fight five guys?" Thurston was aghast.

"No, probably four guys and a girl." Fatima seemed matter of fact.

"Yeah, mmmmno, let's ditch this." Thurston made to grab her hand and she let him but refused to move.

"No, Bret wants to hurt me. He's afraid to do it himself so he's having a goon squad do it for him. This is something I have to face head on."

"Forget that!" Thurston cried. "Let me go in your place, then."

Fatima was starting to get irritated, "Thurston, this is my fight. My House, my history, my responsibility. I understand what you're trying to do, but you need to understand that you're not doing me any favors by trying. I've made my decision," she pulled her hand away and pushed the doors open, "now get out of my way."

Inside, Beef was sitting on the raised stage end of the gymnasium flanked by four other guys and one very country chic looking girl. Beef grinned wide, "Getting kind of late. Almost had to go looking for you."

Thurston saw that each of Beef's goons had something solid in hand to better beat their opponent, "Okay, if I can't take your place, at least let me come in as back up. If anything goes sideways I can do something."

"No, Thurston. This isn't your House, you have no place in there. This shouldn't take long. Like I said, Bret just wants to hurt me, once he's had his fun it'll be over." She pulled the doors closed behind her and he heard the audible click of the bolts being turned to hold the doors closed.

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