The Damage Is Done.

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Alastors pov.

I have left my radio tower, sat on the ground, leaning against some fallen stones from the broken hotel. I take a breath. It hurts to breathe, Adams damage was too much. I grasp the large slash on my chest, trying to steady my breath. I look to my left, nothing but the broken walls of the hotel. I look to my right, a dead angel lies next to me, an angelic spear through its heart. I'm hungry. I crawl my way over to the breathless being, covered in the golden liquid. I kneel next to it, leaning down and sticking my teeth into its cold flesh. I groan and close my eyes. 'Holy shit.. it's so good..' I thought, pulling away after a few mouthfuls, catching my breath. I open my eyes, I notice white shoes stood before me, I look up to see Lucifer. I narrow my eyes. He looks me up and down, his eyes softening, noticing the large slash on my body.

"Dead angel blood won't do it. You need an alive angel." The king of hell said before me. I arch a brow. What is he yapping about? "What?~" I said, tilting my head slightly. Lucifer jabbed his cane chest and  I groaned out, falling back onto my elbows. "You were hit by an angelic weapon, no? Only angel blood can heal you, a good dose of angel blood once a day, everyday for two weeks" He held up two fingers "and dead angels blood won't do anything, because its dead, lost its magic." Lucifer explained. I stare at him before looking down. "So what? I'm stuck like this~?" I glare at him before struggling to stand on my two feet, looking down at the short king. Lucifer shook his head. "Noo, you just need an alive angel, and lucky for you,  there's one in front of you." The blonde male smirked. "As if I'll accept help from you~" I laughed before abruptly stopping, gripping my chest. The pain was overwhelming, and I groaned. Lucifer looked up at me before shrugging and turning on his his heal. "Alright, suit yourself. Enjoy dying from blood loss." He began to walk away. I close my eyes and sigh. "Wait..~" I sighed. I can sense lucifers smirk. He turned around, both hands on his cane. "So it's a deal?" He grinned up at me. My eyes widened. "You didn't say anything about a deal!~" I growl. Lucifer chuckled "you really didn't think i would give you my blood, which will tire the fuck out me and weaken my power for free?" Lucifer said as he tilted his head. I narrowed my eyes at the short king. "What do I have to give in return for your blood?~" I say with a low growl and static. Lucifer had a smug look on his face. "Well it's simple, really! In return for my blood, all you have to do is keep me company for the next two weeks. I get bored easily and i could use some entertainment." Lucifer explained,  holding out his hand. I thought about it. Its only two weeks. Can't be that bad? Atleast, not as bad as dying. "Deal." I took his hand and shook it. Green and yellow smoke surrounding us, claiming the deal. It was done.

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