Savoring affection

Start from the beginning

Guiding his partner towards the table where his grandfather stood, he aimed for the most comfortable spot for both of them, aware of the importance of their positioning in such social settings.

- You're finally here! Fourth, you look stunning! - Mr. Night exclaimed with lively enthusiasm, directing his full attention to the engaged couple.

- Hello, Mr. Night, you look equally dignified! - Nattawat responded warmly, his smile genuine. Despite any initial apprehension, he had come to genuinely appreciate the cheerful retiree after their first meeting. In that moment, all the stress that had accumulated in his mind seemed to dissipate. He felt a sense of safety and comfort in the ex-CEO presence.

The event unfolded in a surprisingly pleasant atmosphere, and any minor conflicts between businessmen seemed inconsequential. Fourth found himself spending the entire evening engrossed in conversation with Gemini and his guardian, who steadfastly refused to leave his side, shielding him from the potentially predatory nature of some of the wealthy attendees. This gesture of protection was deeply appreciated by the designer, who had half-expected rude remarks or criticisms about his work, background, or appearance. However, to his relief, no such comments materialized—at least, none that he noticed. The only penetrating stares he encountered came from his colleagues and the individual overseeing the evening's catering. Notably, Satang did linger longer than necessary, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by Jirochtikul.

However, Nattawat made a conscious effort not to draw unnecessary attention to himself. He sensed that the man might be surprised by his unexpected presence, but he didn't feel compelled to offer any explanations. Content with his current situation, despite the initial nerves, he simply focused on enjoying the moment and the company of those around him.

- Are we coming back, honey? - Gemini asked softly, the endearment slipping from his lips effortlessly. In the presence of the former CEO, the use of such a term felt natural, indicating the ease with which they had slipped into their roles as an engaged couple deeply in love.

- Yes, we can go now. Goodbye, Mr. Night. It was a pleasure talking to you. - The youngest among them said with a sincere smile.

- Call me Grandpa, darling. I hope this evening was comfortable for you. Rest well. Good night.  The pensioner insisted warmly, embracing the two men before making his way towards his bodyguard.

- Do you want to spend the night at my place? My apartment is definitely closer than your house, and you're clearly exhausted. - Norawit suggested gently, intertwining his fingers with the designer's as they walked towards the exit.

- If it's not a problem, I'd be happy to. - The younger man replied with a broad smile. He felt no hesitation about spending the night with his boss; after all, it was already common knowledge that the two were dating, so he saw no reason to worry about company gossip or other trivial matters.

In the businessman's apartment, the two men found themselves engaged in deep conversation for hours, touching on various topics ranging from work to their personal lives. Despite already knowing a great deal about each other, they felt an instinctive desire to delve even deeper, eager to forge an even stronger connection. Conversation flowed effortlessly between them, and with each passing moment, the bond between them seemed to grow stronger.

Although they were aware that their relationship had initially been purely business-oriented, they often found themselves forgetting this fact. As they talked, the lines between professional and personal blurred, and the complexities of their situation were momentarily pushed aside. In the back of their minds, they knew they would eventually need to address the reality of their arrangement and its inevitable conclusion. However, in the comfortable embrace of their current dynamic, neither felt compelled to broach such difficult topics. Instead, they chose to revel in the warmth and familiarity of their bond, content to exist in the present moment.

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