Chapter 39: Rescue Mission

Start from the beginning

"Agreed," Claire left the hilltop along with Brandon. The good news was they were heading away from the fight. So, they didn't need to worry about being caught in the crossfire. If they were lucky, those two fighting each other would create a huge distraction and hopefully force Lord Grimm to weaken his defenses in the castle. The less guards he had, the easier it would be to rescue her sister. She just hopes it plays out that way. In the off chance it doesn't, she had a back up plan. "Brandon, we need to stop here for a moment."

"Wait isn't this," Brandon eyes wandered the forest. "This is where we-,"

"First met,yes, granted back then you were trying to kill me." Claire began digging her claws into the dirt. "I knew I'd be able to remember this spot. So I decided to come back and hide some things in the event. I had to rescue my sister. It should be around here somewhere." She dug deeper into the ground until she struck a box. "Found it," She took out a small box and opened it. Brandon glanced over her shoulder as she opened the box. She took out a rolled up cloth and when she unrolled it. Inside was an assortment of knives.

"Are those throwing knives?" Brandon glanced over at Claire. "They're silver, Claire, tell me, you didn't plan on killing your own kind just to save your sister." She took out some of the knives and hid them on her person. She stuck some in her pockets, her sleeves. By the time she was done the knives were all gone. All that remained on the cloth were five syringes filled with tranquilizer.

"I didn't plan on it, that's why I have these." Claire put the tranquilizers in her back pocket. "However, five tranquilizers might not be enough, so. If need be. I'll resort to knives. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that." She put the small box back and buried beneath the sand. "Now before we do this, Brandon, fetch me a stick."

"I'm not a dog," Brandon argued, "You're the werewolf, go get your own stick."

"Brandon, " Claire groaned. "Go get me a stick so I can draw the layout of the castle. You haven't been in Lord Grimm's castle. I have and if we're going to sneak inside the castle and save my sister. You need to know the layout. So again, go get me a stick."

"Fine, I'll get you a damn stick." Brandon walked over and picked up a stick. "Here," He handed her the stick. He crouched down as Claire drew a general layout of Lord Grimm's castle interior. The problem is, yes she knew what the inside looked like. However, she was never given a tour. She only knew where the throne room was. "So, once inside, the first step would be to find your sister right? Where is she?"

"Um, I'm not sure," Claire answered. "I do know, he'd have her imprisoned somewhere in the castle. So there would have to be a dungeon somewhere.If I were to have a dungeon in my castle. I wouldn't want it to be easy to find or to escape from. So it can't be here," She crossed out the two front rooms.

"Wait a second, Lord Grimm's castle layout looks similar to ours. I mean, there's a few differences, but it's pretty much the same. In our castle, The throne room is here." Brandon pointed directly at Lord Grimm's throne room. "Our dungeon is somewhere around here." He drew a circle in the area behind the staircase. "I know this because sometimes Lord Alexander puts me on guard duty. When we first turned your brother. I'd have to keep an eye on him while he was locked up. That's part of how we became friends." He explained. "However, there was only one place, I was never allowed to stand guard over. The only person who could go inside was Blaire. The door was located right beside the dungeon. I believe it was right," He rubbed his chin. "Here, I know this because when I first saw Angel. This was long before I knew who he was and that he'd be our commander. He came out of this room. I saw him go from this room to the rooms upstairs. Not long after, I saw walk out of the castle into the sunlight."

"Wait, he walked into the sun. Doesn't that kill you guys?" Claire asked.

"I know, that's exactly what I was saying. I thought he had some special power that made immune to the sun. Turns out, he was trying to kill himself. That's when I got put in charge of keeping an eye on him. So, I got assigned as his bodyguard. My sister got assigned as his therapist. He became our new project. That's why I remember, he came from this room." He pointed at the room next to the dungeon. "The layouts are similar so if we're going to be checking each room. We should start with this one. It's our best bet. The longer we're in the castle, the higher chances we have of being wolf chow. So, what do you think?"

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