Impatiently, Slay demanded, "You know who is behind this, and you have kept it from us?"

"I have my suspicions, but I am not sure enough to take action yet," I responded with a heavy sigh.

Slay erupted into a fit of rage. He jumped up and paced around the Kitchen, ranting about me wasting my time. Telling me I got sidetracked with training Shifters, playing Pack Princess, and then putting myself in danger at the bonfire. He threw a scarf onto the table in frustration and continued to yell at me. I remained quiet, allowing him to let out his anger.

"You forget that I was there when we found the first scarf, the first clue," Slay shouted. "He left his scent for you because he wants you. When Marcus called me, I found another scarf at the bonfire area. He left another clue for you. He's a sick, perverted Shifter who can control wolves somehow, and you walked right into his trap. You betrayed our unit and our code by going alone."

I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped up and screamed back at him, stalking him in the Kitchen.

"Don't you dare talk to me about betrayal! You and Jacob betrayed me by voting against my plan. I needed the whole team to vote yes, but you and he said no. And then Jacob went behind my back and accused me of being reckless and addicted to drugs and spilling secrets that should have stayed in our unit only. Omar reported to Sloan that the families voted 'no confidence' in my leadership abilities. So don't you dare judge me!"

My anger had reached its boiling point, and I couldn't control myself.

"So, fuck you, Slay and fuck your best friend, Jacob," I was screaming now. Completely out of control. I rallied and spat some more at him.

"Jacob's bullshit was all for nothing, as Sloan overruled him. Despite having him removed from the team, I discovered he is now here at Bo Becks Estate. And you, Slay, went behind my back to reinstate him without consulting me." I glared at him. I took a breath and leaned over the kitchen island, still shouting.

"I knew this was much bigger than a pack of wild werewolves. I ventured deep into shifter territory when you refused to come with me. And now you all show up to criticize my methods and side with Jacob instead of me when I did what you wouldnt. You have some nerve bringing him here, Slay."

"Slay shouted back at me, "Erika, he saw what you and your cousins did to the Alfson family after your father died. He was trapped in an untenable situation and was terrified to ask you for help. He feared you would do to his family what you did to them."

"Well then, he is a weaker bastard than I thought! And as for the Alfson family, they tried to rise against mine when my father died. I taught them and everyone else what happens to those who betray my family. They were traitors!"

"You wiped out the whole fucking family Erika."

"And if I see him, I will do the fucking same again. His decapitated head will hang from his family's Estate gates. No one stands against an Andonis," I screamed. My voice was a storm, a declaration of my power and unwavering protection for my family and our legacy.

He sneered and commented, "Looks like you really are your father's daughter, Erika. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." His face mirrored my own anger as his piercing blue Nordic eyes bore into me. His massive frame was now leaning in over the Kitchen bench.

As Slay's words echoed in my mind, I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and remorse. Yes, the Alfson family had betrayed us, but did they deserve the brutal fate that I had inflicted upon them? The truth was, I didn't know. I knew I had followed in my father's footsteps and showed no mercy.

I felt a surge of anger and defiance rise within me. How dare he judge me when he would do the same if it were his family. The Alfson family would have slaughtered mine.

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