"Because I said so."

"I'll stop bro-ing you if you give me your phone."

Curtis gave in to Beth before handing over his phone.


" * * * * * * "

Beth entered it in before heading over to his spotify.

"What we listening to then?"
Curtis impatiently asked.

"Have some patience bro."

"Yknow what."
Curtis snatched the phone out of Beth's hands and put it underneath his leg.

"Ummm. The fuck?!?! Give it back!!"
Beth said as she tried grabbing it back from under his leg.

At this point they'd reached a red traffic light and the car was stopped so Curtis picked up the phone and placed his arm out of reach. Beth unbuckled her seatbelt as it was restricting her and leaned over to try and grab the phone from Curtis. He began to press the recline button on the seat so he could reach further back and away from Beth. Beth climbed over the handbrake essentially straddling his lap and leaned over and snatched the phone back out of his hand.

It was only when a car beeped behind them and then overtook them that the two of them realised what position they were currently sat in and that the light had turned green as they'd both been too busy focusing on winning the phone to realise. Beth was sat straddled on Curtis's lap holding his phone in the air and one of his hands was placed on her waist to keep her in place. He gently raised his other hand up to brush a piece of hair out of her face and then kept his hand there moving it to rest on her cheek gently.

"You have really nice eyes."
Curtis said.

Beth replied in a slight state of shock as never in a million years would she have expected this to be happening right now.

Curtis leaned up and pressed his forehead against hers and moved into-

Came the sound of a car honking, pushing Curtis back into his seat and making Beth jump up slightly.

"We should probably..."


Curtis dereclined the seat back up whilst Beth climbed off his lap and back into her seat. They drove off and spent the rest of the drive in silence. Until Curtis eventually broke it.

"All that efforts to get my phone and now you're not even playing anything."

Beth replied as she opened up his phone and unlocked it and began to furiously type.

"That doesn't look like playing music to me..."

"Well obviously because if I was playing music you'd be able to hear it."

"So what you doing then?"

"Resaving my contact on your phone..."

"As what?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." 
Beth said as she placed the phone in the cup compartment.

Kisses just for you ~ Curtis JonesWhere stories live. Discover now