Chapter two

202 8 98


2nd February 2023



✯Harper Davies✯

~ from 'The Wrong Red' (up on my profile)

~ Played by Alessia Russo

~ 24 years old 

~ Love interest: Trent 

✯Olivia Bright✯

~ from 'The Wrong Red'

~ Played by Kaci Jay Conder

~ 24 years old

~ Love interest: atm Marcus but this will change

The wrong red is no longer up on my profile because I deleted it but essentially Harper is a footballer for Man united women's and she's dating trent and olivia is her best friend they don't feature too much in this story although olivia sorta does but dw ab not having read the book


It was the day after Beth had gone to watch the Manchester United game. Her, Isabel and Naomi had spent the night at Beth's friends house, Harper Davies and Olivia Bright. Naomi already knew Harper and Olivia through Beth but this had been Isabel's first time meeting them. They'd clicked instantly and the five of them we're currently all sat together watching the Real Madrid vs Valencia match.

"Beth what happened between you and Curtis last night?"

"I was here last night?"

"I mean like in the car park." Isabel said.

"Ohhh, nothing much just general chit chat kinda vibe."

Kisses just for you ~ Curtis JonesWhere stories live. Discover now