Chapter seven

115 4 183


13th Feb 2023


(Back to Curtis and Beth 🥰)

The two of them got into the car and began to head out onto their unofficial date...

"Pass me your phone."
Beth said.


"I wanna control music."


"Fuck you mean depends? Depends on what?!!?"

"If I like your music taste or not."

"Do I look like I care if you like my music taste or not? Pass your phone over."

"Are you always this bossy?"

"Yes. Problem?"

"Nah, it's actually kinda attractive."

Beth wasn't exactly expecting those words to leave Curtis's mouth. She found herself blushing so she turned her head slightly to stop him from being able to see.

"What are you turning your head away for?"

"To look out the window. Focus on not crashing the car."

"Whatever you say."

Five minutes later Beth turned to Curtis. 

"So can I have your phone then?"

"Oh my days again?"

"Yes bro just give it to me."

"Don't bro me."


Kisses just for you ~ Curtis JonesWhere stories live. Discover now