Chapter 2

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A soft gentle breeze carried through the branches of the forest, caressing the soft ash brown fur of the she-wolf. It cooled the warmth that was settling in over her relaxed powerful body, stirring her from a slumber she was surprised had taken hold of her so easily. The last thing she could even remember was looking up at the moon hanging high in the sky, leaving the evening cooled by the spring air as she quietly had her usual one sided conversation with it. 

Golden eyes slowly opened, flinching closed once more as the bright light of the sun invaded her still tired retinas. 


With her jaw opening wide, a yawn escaped from the young female wolf as she stretched her front legs out, toes just shy of dipping off the edge. She thought she had heard her name being called, distantly carried upon the gentle breeze blowing through. Though, she wasn't certain as her mind still had somewhat of a fog hazing over it from just waking from a deep slumber. 

"Nevanthi! Where are you!?" 

A tired groan rumbled out of Nevanthi as she reluctantly got to her feet. Her name had been called an the frustration within the owner's voice was palpable, easily heard even through the distance between them. 

Nevanthi slowly turned around and sauntered off towards the bushes concealing her earlier resting place. Each paw step she took was carefully planned, especially as she pushed through the prickly branches of the the thick green foliage. She didn't want her pelt to get scratched, let alone fur to be tugged from her body. Having to explain that to her father or anyone else, it would have just been something to regret and something she didn't feel like doing. 

"Enough of the screaming, I'm right here." 

Her tail flicked away the remaining branches as she emerged from the cliff's edge and bac into the sea of never ending forest trees. 

Barely having managed to step free of the bushes, Nevanthi was shaking out her fur when another wolf came rushing at her from the far distance. A blur of darkened grey fur coming at her like a dark silver bullet from a hunter's rifle. The wolf was coming at her so quickly and with such force, Nevanthi barely had time to brace herself for the immanent collision about to occur. 

Nevanthi did manage to brace herself to some degree with what little time she had to do so, taking the full force of the tackle. Both she and the other female wolf tumbled around one another, crashing and rolling on the green earth that cushioned their fall. The excitement ended when the speeding she-wolf with grey and black fur stood over top Nevanthi, staring her down while panting heavily from the sudden charged run. 

"What in the Great Luna are you doing out here? Your father is having a complete flip out looking for you." 

"I could be asking you the same thing. . . minus the father bit, anyways." 

Using her hind legs, Nevanthi thrust them upwards and kicked the other wolf off of her so she could get up. The moment the grey and black she-wolf toppled over onto her side, Nevanthi quickly took the opportunity and got up onto her paws, shaking out her ash brown fur once more to rid herself of grass that now stuck out of it. It was only then that her golden gaze shot towards the other she-wolf, a huff of annoyance leaving her lips. 

"Now, what in Great Luna's name is going on here? My father freaking out over my absence is nothing new, you know that." 

For as long as Nevanthi could remember, since her and Sentaiya had been pups, her best friend has always been overdramatic. Sentaiya was known among the pack for overreacting over every little thing, especially when it came to her and what her father wanted. It was difficult for Nevanthi to tell, however, if this was another overreaction or if Sentaiya was truly panicking for a good reason. 

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