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Glancing back with confused eyes, she furrowed her eyebrows at the redhead running up the path leading back to the castle. "Evans?"

"We're heading back the same way so let's walk together." Lily smiled, catching her breath and quickly linking their arms together.


"You can just call me Lily, by the way." She cut her off, pulling her along.

"Okay, Lily." Colette emphasized, giving the girl a tight smile when she glanced towards her. "To what do I owe this very unexpected visit?"

"Well we're roommates, and you're new. So it's about time I ambushed you." She chuckled softly, walking past the stone entrance of the courtyard.

Feeling a piercing gaze on her, Colette turned her head only to meet eyes with the seemingly awestruck, familiar bespeckled boy. "Lily, I think glasses, two o'clock, is into you."

"Just ignore him." The girl huffed, her cheery tone disappearing quickly.

"He's heading our way."

"Then we should be going far away."


"Colette, hurry up." She said desperately through gritted teeth, dragging the brunette around the large circular water fountain.

"Lily, please." The boy's voice rang out, catching people's attention, although Colette noted they seemed unfazed.

"Is this a regular occurrence?" She questioned, Lily stopping them behind a pillar she deemed safe.


"Lily, there you are, darling!" The cheeky boy peeked his head through the space between the pillars, leaning his body on the high stone.

Closing her eyes tightly, she turned around slowly. "Potter."

"I thought you were running away from me for a second there!" He chuckled with a shake of his head, brown hair bouncing slightly as he did.

"I was."

Glancing between the two carefully, Colette looked behind the boisterous boy only to recognize the three laughing at him not too far away. "Potter, I think your friends are waiting for you."

"Oh! You're the new girl, Remus' new friend." James exclaimed, his eyes widening as he glanced behind Lily. "Sirius has not been able to shut up about the fact you got Minnie to take away Remus' detention. You'd think the bloke is in love."

"All I did was speak to her." Colette shrugged, looking back at his now quiet friends.

"That's bloody brilliant! You should let us borrow your friend every once and awhile, Lily. Hogging her all to yourself." He laughed, his smile faltering when he glanced back at Lily.

"It's her second day here?" The red head furrowed her eyebrows at his comment.

"It's not, well you know-" He stuttered, running a nervous hand through his hair.

"We're leaving." She sighed, shaking her head in annoyance before grabbing Colette's hand and dragging her away.

"But Lily, you didn't hear my poem!-"

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇; 𝙎𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙪𝙨 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠Where stories live. Discover now