Defence Against the Dark Arts

Start from the beginning

"It's okay and yeah, it's an interest of mine. I used to read some of dad's old text book's wishing Remus could teach me more about it." I replied. 

"I love divination and Professor Trelawney is great." 

"I'm glad to hear."

"Probably sounds really stupid to ask. I was just wondering if we could be friends?" 

"Do you not have many friends here?" I asked. 

"Not really, people always ask me about my brother and use me as a way of getting something signed from him, but nobody really wants to be friends with me. I have kept myself to myself and when you were sorted into Gryffindor I wanted to talk to you, I just haven't had the confidence to." 

"I'm sorry Esme, people are just cruel, of course I will be your friend. I guess I am a little like you when it comes to people, I like to keep myself to myself whereas my brother he could talk to anyone and be friends with them in minutes." I muttered. 

"Do you want to head to divination, it's on the other side of the castle." 


After all my classes, which I came to discover that Esme was in all of my classes, we went back to the common room to drop our stuff off before dinner. Before heading down to the Great Hall, me and Esme bump into my brother. 

"Are you heading to dinner?" He asked. 

"Yeah, we are. This is Esme by the way." 

"Nice to meet you Esme, I'm Arkalis." 

"It's nice to meet you too." She smiled. 

Once Arkalis found out that Esme was related to Oliver Wood, he could not help but ask her numerous questions during dinner. I was looking around the dinner table and I noticed that Harry never came down for dinner.  I don't know I was a little worried about him, since I envied the fact the it seemed that my father prioritised him over his two children. 

When we came back to the dorm room I saw Hermione looking at his hand, it seemed to have some kind of scar. What kind of punishment did Umbridge use? Hermione and Ron gave a worried expression as they asked what happened. Harry just got up and walked away from them. As he headed to his room, he bumped into me, not noticing where he was going. 

"Harry, are you ok?" I asked. 

He looked back at me to give me a nod before heading back to his room. 

Ron and Hermione came to us. 

"I can try speaking to him." Said Arkalis. 

"I tried to speak to him yesterday after the whole commotion with Seamus, he wasn't having any of it." Ron replied. 

"I'm worried about him." Hermione expressed. 

"He might come around soon, I just think we have to give him space." Ron added. 

"I don't want to give him space, he is my friend and he is clearly not ok." Hermione reiterated. 

"There's nothing any of us can do." My brother muttered. 

I didn't really know what to say, I didn't know Harry well enough to even begin to try and get him to communicate with us. The only thing we all could do is just wait until he comes around, like my brother said. 

It was past midnight and I just couldn't sleep, so I took myself down to the common room. I was shocked to see Harry sitting on the sofa, reading the newest Daily Prophet. 

Harry's POV 

"I wouldn't even bother reading of that nonsense, if I were you." A familiar voice said. 

I looked behind me to see Erela standing on the stairs. 

"Can't sleep?" I asked. 

"Not really." 

"Trying to sleep always the worst when you are in a new environment." 

"Why are you reading it? You know the truth and other people know it too." 

"I don't know, I have recently bee finding myself reading whatever they next want to say about me and the whole situation." 

"Your friends are worried about you Harry and it has only been our second night here." She muttered. 

"I think I just need time to adjust to what people are saying about me." 

She gave me a little smile. 

"That's understandable Harry, but do not push away people who care about you." 

"I don't understand why you are sitting here giving me advice." 

"What do you mean?" She asked with a puzzled expression. 

"I sort of got the impression that you didn't really like me." I added.

"I mean it's hard seeing my father switch his focus onto someone else, especially since me and my brother have worked so hard while he was in Azkaban to try and impress him." 

I didn't know what to say. 

"I'm sorry, I should of said that." She added. 

"It's ok." 

"Doesn't stop me from trying to get you to your senses though." 

I let out a little laugh. 

"It's not funny, your making people worried." She uttered. 

"I know, I'm sure I will come around." I reassured her. 

She had this little sparkle in her eyes which caught my attention. I needed to distract myself from the thought of her. 

"I might try to sleep now, you should too." I said as I got up from the sofa. 

"I will, in a few minutes." 

As I walked to the stairs which led to the dorm rooms, she sat herself on the sofa. 

"Goodnight Erela." 

"Goodnight Harry." She replied. 

Ever since my eyes first met hers, I have not been able to get her off my mind. It didn't matter what it was about, it's like I was infatuated. 

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