Quidditch Try Outs

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Erela's POV 

Three weeks have gone by and Harry has become more distant than ever. In my mind I think to myself that I shouldn't care, but after the conversation I had with Harry in the common room the bit of jealousy left. I still envied the fact that as soon as he came along me and my brother were no longer a big priority. 

After my classes I went for a little walk around the grounds. I diverted to the Forbidden Forest where I found Harry with Luna. I made sure not to stick around as I didn't want to disturb them. 

As I was walking away I heard my name being called. 

"Wait up Erela." Said Harry. 

As he caught up to me I saw a little smile on his face. 

"I saw you out the corner of my eye and thought we could walk back together." 

We walked back to the castle. I'm assuming Luna wanted to stay back in the Forbidden Forest. 

"How are you feeling Harry?" I asked. 

"I'm better now." 

"I'm glad. How are you feeling about the Quidditch tryouts today?" 

"I'm feeling confident. Your brother is trying out isn't he?" 

"Yeah he has been practising these past few weeks with Fred and George, he wants to be a chaser. It's been a big dream of his since he started watching Quidditch. Remus bought him a broom for his 14th birthday, he took him out a few times over the summer and I am pretty sure he took him to the field near the Burrow to practice. He has been so excited to hopefully join the team." 

"I saw him practising on Saturday afternoon, I think he will be a brilliant chaser or even seeker if he ever went for it." Harry muttered. 

After we finished our lunch we heard something going on outside the Great Hall. As me Harry, Ron, Hermione and Esme went outside, we saw Professor McGonagall and Professor Umbridge bickering. The students were taken back by what Professor Umbridge had to say, informing us all that Hogwarts needed immediate attention from the Ministry. Which I'm guessing is to give her more authority and power.  

Arkalis POV 

I have been pacing around the dorm room, out of stress for the tryouts today. No matter how much Fred and George reassure me about how good I am, I cannot help but still feel stressed. 

I made my way over to the Quidditch pitch with Fred, George and Harry. Angelina Johnson was the new captain for the Gryffindor team. It seemed that no one else was running for Seeker so Angelina and Harry both made us aware that they will be observing our play. We needed a new Keeper and two Chasers since Oliver Wood and two other past players graduated. I was so surprised to see Esme standing with a broomstick. 

I walked over to her. 

"Are you trying out too?" I asked. 

"It's not just my brother who loves Quidditch." 

She had her hair in a slicked back pony tail, all geared up and ready to try out. 

"What position are you going for?" 

"Keeper." She said. 

"Following your brother's footsteps?" 

"I guess you could put it that way, but I also really enjoyed playing as a keeper. I played for a team when I was younger and I tried out every position, but keeper is by far my favourite."

"How come you are only trying out now?" I asked. 

"It was your sister who insisted I try out for the team, I think I just avoided it. My brother tried to get me to try out in my third year, but I told him I wanted to focus on my studies which of course was a lie. I guess I just didn't want people to compare me to him and anyway we had him as a keeper." 

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