i got pregnant... [SATIRE]

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hi. my name is jeffery kislefk. i am a trans man and im pregnant with my husbands baby but i havent told him.

"hello my pookie wookie bookie smookie lookie qookie lookie dookie cupcake cookie smoockie boo boo bear" i manage to mumble out of my pathetic mouth to my husband, cummy kislefk

my husband stares daggers at me and punches my 3'4 body across the room, it breaks my kidney.

"youre worthless, youre broken, i hate you!!" hes angry at me, but i figure this would save me. "babye im.. im.. i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i im pregnant!"

he goes silent, obviously shocked.

"well once that baby is born out of the house!!!"

i nod and run away, to our room

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