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Jimin raised his brows at Yoongi "so how you gonna explain this?"


Jimin pushed Yoongi on couch and glared, looking right into his soul" you really thought I was going to leave you and date hobi hyung, huh? Have you never sensed my feelings towards you for a second?

Jimin pushed Yoongi on couch and glared, looking right into his soul" you really thought I was going to leave you and date hobi hyung, huh? Have you never sensed my feelings towards you for a second?

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"I - I knew"

"You knew, what do you mean?",

"Actually... I was not really sleeping that day when you said that you lo-love me", Yoongi confessed

"Still you thought I'll get back to hobi hyung, do you think this low of me ", Jimin asked in disbelief

"No ... Jimin , I thought that you got your lost love back, he was your first love and nothing in the world can beat first love , beside he is more successful than I am and is a good person so I thought...", Yoongi explained



"What , are you really stupid if one day you feel that I like someone you'll not fight for me, you'll let me go huh? Can't you be little selfish and try to keep me to yourself?", Jimin was trusfrated at this point

Yoongi can sense sadness in Jimin's voice , he pulled Jimin on his lap , making his eyes go wide .

"What are you doing, leave me ", Jimin tried to get up from Yoongi's lap but , his grip on his waist was not allowing it , "leave me I don't want to talk to you..."

"Jimin am really sorry, I did this because I really love you .... I loved you enough to let you go ... I just wanted you to be happy ", Yoongi said softly and connected his forehead with Jimin's.

"Stupid cat , even I want to leave don't let me ever leave you.... I can't imagine my life without you ... I tried but I failed to not have feelings for you... And when finally I gathered my all courage to be with you ; you started to ignore me . Do you know how hard it was for me to overcome my fear , you know how I felt whole week.... How much I missed you....just because of your stupidity ", Jimin's tears were falling he clutched on Yoongi's collar , letting his tears fall.

Yoongi gently wiped Jimin's tears , "am sorry love , it was hard for me to ignore you , I felt like dying , am sorry for making you suffer all these days ", he gently kissed Jimin's forehead and looked into Jimin's teary eyes

Gradually the tension between them was built by their closeness , there eyes were finding ways to each other's lips , they both knew what they want .
"Can I?", Yoongi wishpered at Jimin's lips

"Yo-u have already ki-ssed me twice without consent, why are you asking now ", Jimin said in shaky voice as butterflies of his stomach was in rush

"Yo-u have already ki-ssed me twice without consent, why are you asking now ", Jimin said in shaky voice as butterflies of his stomach was in rush

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"Yoongi chuckled lightly, before capturing Jimin's lip between his own . They didn't moved their lips for few seconds, just feeling softness of each other. Then eventually Yoongi took the lead and started to devor Jimin's lips. Jimin parted his lips when Yoongi's tongue poked his lips , letting it in . Now the kiss was passionate and soft at the same time.  Full of love , awaiting , their craving for each other, the kiss continued for almost good ten minutes, when they both were out of breath they parted away, huffing .

Both of their hearts were beating in sync, fast and furious. They both felt whole zoo in their abdomen, it was just amazing. Kissing as lovers now hits different then kissing in compulsion afterall. Their faces were red

"Am 'huff' I forgiven now 'huff' Jimin ?", Yoongi asked , carresing Jimin's cheek making him look at him , still catching his breath.

"No ... Still not, you made both me and yourself suffer , now earn the forgiveness", Jimin said

"Didn't we kissed just now", Yoongi asked

"How does that ever matter, am still angry means angry ", Jimin hump and get down from Yoongi's lap .

Jimin was not really angry , but Yoongi needs to learn a lesson . Jimin smirked to himself. "Let's go don't we have to reach police station"

"Oh I totally forgot", Yoongi remembered the purpose of coming here , "come let's go", Yoongi extended his hand to hold Jimin's hand when Jimin backed off " first earn your forgiveness Mr.Husband", Jimin said and walked sassily out the academy, followed by Yoongi, "ahh Jiminah you can't do this , let me atleast hold your hand", Yoongi whined , on which Jimin chuckled to himself.

See you in next chapter ~

Thank you flowers for your support, I love you all💝

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