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"Do you Min Yoongi take Jimin as your lawfully wedded husband , to have and to hold from this day forward , for better or for worse , for richer , for poor , in sickness and health , to love and cherish ;from this day until death do you apart ", Priest

"I Do" , Yoongi said when crowd applause but in his mind he said "I Min Yoongi promise to make your life hell and make you regret marrying me"

Priest again said vows for Jimin

"Do you Jimin take Min Yoongi as your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer for poor in sickness and health to love and cherish from this day until death you apart,"

"I Do", Jimin said but internally"I'll make sure and promise to bring you on right track and leave you as soon as possible "

"You both can exchange the rings ", they both exchanged the rings

"You may lock this wedding with a kiss ", Priest smiled

"Don't you fucking dare to kiss me", Jimin mumbled but audible enough to reach Yoongi's ears , Crowd cheered

"Why , didn't you were eager to be my husband; now you are being hesitant to kiss me", Yoongi scoffed

"Listen...", Jimin couldn't finish when a pair of lips pressed against his forcefully making his eyes go wide

Yoongi kissed him harshly pouring all his hatred and anger into it . Kiss was harsh enough to make Jimin's lips painful and form tears in his eyes

Everyone clapped and congratulated them not knowing the grief and fire both the groom's were having in their hearts.

"You bloody jerk , because of you my first kiss has become a great remorse ", Jimin grittened his teeth

"I'll make sure this whole marriage becomes, a great remorse for you,", Yoongi said making Jimin angry and a bit scared..


Yoongi rolled his eyes seeing his bedroom full of rose decoration,"do they think I'll ever use this stupid decorated bed ", that's when Jimin entered.

"How dare you to entered in my room", Yoongi

"It's not I like to come and see your face", Jimin scoffed  "I came here because I was said to more like I was ordered", Jimin thought to himself

Jimin was about to go to the couch, when a hand pulled him and harshly pushed him on bed , and the male hovered over him , his angry eyes were piercing through Jimin's soul

"W..what ? Are you doing", Jimin shuttered by sudden action of Yoongi
"Why didn't you came to sleep with me huh?", Yoongi said taunting Jimin
Jimin tried to push Yoongi when his both the hands were pinned on the bed .
"LEAVE ME!", Jimin shouted
"Oh leave you, why aren't you my fucking husband now, ohhh... I got that you married me not to become my husband but husband of Rich Min Yoongi right?, tsk! tsk! Sorry I didn't gave you what you want I should pay you first to sleep with me afterall you can do anything for money....", Yoongi's harsh words were like a knife cutting Jimin's self-respect into pieces, " How much you want to be my slu....", Thats when a hard slap met With Yoongi's cheek from Jimin who somehow managed to free himself from Yoongi's grip, "DON'T YOU DARE MIN YOONGI!", Jimin pushed Yoongi with all force and stood from the bed
"HOW DARE YOU TO SLAP ME ", Yoongi pinned Jimin angrily
Jimin managed to push Yoongi again and this time he ran out of the room.

Jimin reached in the garden and sobbed louder and louder, he was not weak to cry ,he knows to fight for himself and he did but he can't bear the fact that his life sucks , that universe especially hates him.
First his parents died leaving him to suffer in that orphanage just to get bully from other kids, Finally when he was free from that hell ,when he joined University and met his only friend Taehyung who his a bit angry from him now because of his stupid deal., At his worse time when he was jobless and homeless, Lee Dong took him in and gave him job and home and even treated him like his son since he and his wife didn't had children. Then again his fate was not satisfied and took his mother like aunt away and he has to come in this hell only to save only person he can call family.

His Life Just Sucks

Jimin laid down on the grass as he was so tired , he let the cool breeze dry his tears rolled down his eyes as they were comforting him ,he was feeling company of the sky as it is only thing which will never leave him like everyone does.

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