Chapter 1: All my fault...

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He hasn't spoken... Not for weeks, he was only blaming himself... For what he did, but it wasn't his fault, that's what Shadow would say, the love of his life... Sonic would lock himself in his room, the only times he would come out was when he was told to eat... He didn't say a word, he would say a few though, but that wasn't much... He wasn't the bubbly hedgehog Shadow knew, ever since Dark had taken over him he's been feeling depressed...


- January 12th, 2023 -


Shadow heard the usual slam of Sonic's bedroom door, he hated seeing his husband like this, he wanted to do something, but he knew Sonic would refuse

"In his room again?"

Shadow flinched, hearing Exe's voice from behind him, Shadow  nodded, "Yeah... I hate seeing him like this!"

"Me too, but we all know how shitty he is now," "Maybe we should-"

"No! I tried that but it never works, he never comes out of his room!!! I should probably give up on him.."

"Maybe... We should get his parents!"

Shadow raised his eyebrow, "But... I have no information on his parents, all I have is just Sonic's first name!!"

"And that is?"


Maybe you can look at all of his information at Town Hall?"

Shadow's eyes widened, he didn't think of that, yet, Sonic didn't really talk about his past... Only his siblings... He says that he has a big family tree, just didn't say anything about it...



- 12:45pm, Town Hall, Emerald Square -


Shadow and Exe walked to Town Hall, opening the door, seeing a bright pink Otter, it was the Mayor, Iris

"Oh my stars, if it isn't Exeller, wait, who's this you've bought with you?"

Shadow was embarrassed, he didn't want Exe to say that he was the Prince of the Black Arms

"This is Sonic's boyfriend/Husband, Terios! Well, he really prefers Shadow"

"As in, the Ultimate Lifeform Shadow?"


"Wow! What brings you here?"

Shadow answered, clearing his throat before speaking, Iris swung her arms back and forth, her smile beginning to stretch, "We've come here to seek information on Sonic..."

Iris's eyes perked up, hearing the hero of Mobius she quickly dashed to the far corner, her hands taking out files and files of names starting with SO, she stopped as she found Sonic's file...

"Here, you can take it back whenever you like! But I must say the deadline is February 16, you pretty much have half of the month to read it!!"


- Hedgehog Place, Green Hill Zone -


Shadow went to his study room to look at Sonic's file... When he opened it, he saw only the birth certificate...

"Wow... That is the shortest file I have ever seen in my life" Exe teased, Shadow shoved his hand on Exe's face to get him away from blocking Shadow's light...

Shadow looked at it, "No information on his parents!!"

Exe noticed something peaking behind Sonic's birth certificate, he took the corner out and looked at it, "Someone wanted to hide something..."

Shadow snatched it and looked at it...

"These letters... They're initials..."

C. A

A. B

J. S

A. C

K. H

C. P

M. A

E. S

E. B


"Who are they?"

"Well whoever they are, we're going to find out!!"


Dun dun dun!!!

Hope you enjoyed it so far! Chapter 2 will be this afternoon, hopefully!!

Sry if it was short!!! I'll make the second one longer


Word count: 581 words!!! Wooh!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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