Chapter 4- Liam

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Trigger warnings- Lying

If I can say anything nice about Rupert, it's that he has got one hell of a grip. The hold he has on my wrist is not letting me move an inch. It's actually starting to hurt after just a couple of minutes.

Ever since we got out of earshot of the coach and Imogen, he's been attempting to scold me.

I've developed the unique ability to block out people's voices when they're scolding me.

"What were you even doing anyway?" He asks.

"It's none of your business," I snap, 'cause it isn't.

"Well, the Headmaster's going to ask you too, and I hope you're not going to answer him like that."

As if it affects him even if I did. I'm not going to, but still.

The real reason I snuck out was to do with my dad.

After leaving the Headmaster's office from the maths class incident, (with a week of detention) I was heading to the library for the rest of class when my phone started ringing. Of course, I had little choice but to answer it, so I ducked into the toilets on the second floor. Luckily they were empty.

- Dad, you can't call me now. I'm supposed to be in class.

This is more important. Those letters I emailed you earlier need to get to the post office before five. Otherwise they won't get to the clients 'til Tuesday.

-Dad, I won't have a chance to do it. I've got classes 'til half three.

Well I need you to. This is way more important than your classes, son. This is about the business.

-Alright, I'll do my best.

Your best isn't good enough. I need it done.

-Ok, ok, I'll get them out, I promise.

Good, I've got a few other things I need you to do for me as well. Let me know when you've posted the letters and I'll send you the other stuff I need you to do.

-Ok, dad, I will.

Right, I've got to go. PSD's calling. I'll talk to you later. Bye son.

-Bye dad.

Well, the only way I was getting those letters posted is if I snuck out at lunch. So, that's what happened.

Now we reach my current situation.

By now, we've arrived at the Headmaster's office. It's been a long time since I've been here twice in less than an hour.

Rupert wastes no time in knocking on the door.

"Enter!" The Headmaster's voice calls.

Rupert pushes open the door and pulls me inside. "Liam Samuels, sir," he says, announcing my name like a butler at a dinner party.

"Thank you, Twickenham. You may wait here, but please close the door."

Great. Rupert's going to hear me getting scolded. He seems pretty cocky about it too, judging by the smirk on his face when he turns to close the door.

The Headmaster wastes no time. "I am unsure why you felt the need to sneak out of the school during lunch. You are aware that leaving the campus at any time without permission is strictly forbidden, aren't you?"

"Yes sir," I reply.

"Good. I'm glad you know at least one of the rules. Now, what exactly was your reason for sneaking out?"

Telling anyone how much I do for my dad would just lead to him being even more disappointed in me, so I can't say that. Now I just need another excuse.

"I wanted to go to the shops," I say, preparing to pull out the one thing I bought at the corner shop on my way back from the post office.

"And what did you end up buying?" The Headmaster asks.

I pull out the chocolate bar from my pocket. It's a peanut butter bar that's wrapped in chocolate. I got it when I remembered I was supposed to meet Imogen for lunch as an apology.

The Headmaster takes the chocolate bar from my hand. "This seems like a very mundane reason to sneak out. Are you certain that this is the only reason you did so?"

"Yes sir," I reply, much too quickly.

The Headmaster sighs. "I already gave you a week of detention for your disrespect to Professor Richards earlier. Now I will have to add to it. You're on house arrest for two weeks in addition to having two weeks of detention. Please hand me your phone."

House arrest basically means we're required to stay in our dorms after classes and across the entire weekend. We're not allowed to leave the dorm building at all. I've only been put on house arrest once, during my first year when Johnathon brought in some cigarettes he stole from his brother and Professor Richards caught us smoking.

Another thing I've always done that most people don't is keep a second phone on me. It's not 'cause I sell drugs or buy drugs, I know what it sounds like. It's actually to hide my dad's requests from anyone who wants to look at my phone. The phone I hand to the Headmaster has my friend's phone numbers on it as well as some fake texts from my parents I set up using a couple of burner phones. My parents' real numbers as well as Imogen's are only on my real phone.

The Headmaster probably won't look through my texts, but if he tries to, he won't find anything suspicious on there.

"That will be all," the Headmaster says. "Twickenham, please make sure he doesn't get into any more trouble. Two visits to my office in one day is a rarity, three times would be a new school record."

"Yes sir," Rupert replies and he opens the door to let me out.

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