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AFTER HER VISIT TO THE ZOO, Euphrosyne went back to the hospital. She had tried convincing her father that she was fine and that staying wasn't necessary. He didn't listen.

Helios wasn't exactly talkative at the moment, being more distracted by his notes. She assumed it was probably something for Dr. Gaul. So, with nothing else to do, Euphrosyne spend her time making different bracelets. 

She was planning on giving them to her wounded classmates. Each bracelet had different beads along with a different charm, one that reminded her of the classmate it was made for. 

Luckily, not many of the students were in the hospital. The ones that were, were already awake by now. Or most of them, atleast. Felix was still fighting for his life. Euphrosyne wrote him an apology letter about the tripping. Hopefully he wouldn't be too angry when he woke up.

Felix had been the first one Euphrosyne visited, even though that decision wasn't very practical. While Euphro, along with her other classmates, had all been resting in a big, shared room, Felix was placed in one of the private rooms. None of their wounds had been lethal, unlike his.

When she walked down the hallway, back to her own room, her eyes wandered to the names of the other hospitalized people. None of the names had caught her attention. That was until she reached the end of the hallway.

Dovecote, Clemensia.

Euphrosyne knew the girl wasn't doing well, from what her father had told her earlier. With the lie of Clemensia having the flu spreading around, she doubted she was allowed to visit her. I mean, who would be lying in a hospital for having the flu? It would all seem to sketchy. Euphrosyne was determined, however. She looked around the hallway, looking for any staff that could possibly stop her. When no one was in sight, she gave the door a knock before slowly opening it.

There sat Clemensia, staring at the TV screen. The tribute interviews were playing. Right now, the boy from 10 was on the screen, meaning Reaper and Dill would be next. Or atleast, they would've been had Reaper not declined her request earlier. She had asked him if he wanted to do the interviews. He refused. That was about all she was expecting, to be honest. With how protective he was over Dill, Euphrosyne highly doubted he'd let her participate. Luckily, with the amount of donations he already had, she wouldn't have to worry about not being able to send them food and water in the arena.

"Euphro." Clemensia was now staring at her. She didn't look like herself. She had a ravaged face, golden peeling brown skin and yellow coloured eyes. It was quite a disguting sight, but Euphrosyne chose to hide her grossed out expression. "You're here."

"Clemmie, are you okay?" Euphrosyne walked closer, sitting down at the end of the hospital bed. "I was already worried when you weren't there earlier. You know, in the arena."

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