The Prologue

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The Year Of 1995

It's the first official school day of the students in the school of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ran by the one and only Headmaster Dumbledore (more like a dork) the leader of light and founder of The Order Of Burning Chicken (I mean phoenix).
Students are either having breakfast or chatting with there friends. The heads of the house are distributing the time table among the students.

Three kids in the very end of Gryffindor table were talking very loudly with each other they were Alex Albus Potter he looked just like his mother but was an arrogant spoiled bully just like his father James Potter and Godfather Sirius Black it was only because of his mother and uncle Remus that he had some manners in him.
On his left side was a boy with red hair and freckles on his face. He was wearing a hand me down robe as his family was poor and they couldn't afford new clothes for him or his siblings. His name is Ronald Billus Weasley he is greedy and selfish kid who roams around the Potters because of their fame and money like all his family members (except some who have brains).
Then on the right is Hermione Jean Granger a muggleborn who thinks she is very smart from her peers and knows each and everything in short she is a bossy know-it-all.
They were talking about the upcoming war on which Alex was boasting that how he will finish Voldemort in matter of seconds if he gets the chance.
The kids who were listening to their conversation just rolled their eyes and went back to their work knowing that the three of them are just full of themselves.

On the head table sat on a throne like chair a man with long beard that reached till his waist. He was wearing purple coloured robes and half-moon shaped glasses he is no one else But Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore the head master.
On his left sat Lily Potter neè Evans mother of Alex Potter she was assistant charms teacher in the school to her left sat James Potter who is an ex-auror he joined as the DADA teacher this year so that he can be close to his son and protect his as the Dark Lord has finally revealed his existence last year with the help of his minions and also killed one of the student that is Cedric Diggory The Hufflepuff Prince by manipulating the ministry to conduct the triwizard tournament.

All this while the great Albus Dumbledore was smiling at himself while thinking that soon the whole world will be wrapped around his fingers as everything is going according to his plan but little did he know that Lady Magic had different plans.

Hello everyone I am back with a new chapter I hope you all like it if there is any gramatical mistakes please forgive me for that.
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Until then Mischief Managed!!!!

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