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It was then that he stumbled upon Dundee, an Australian with a larger-than-life personality and a penchant for trouble. Dundee was loud, brash, and unapologetically himself, his colorful language and rough demeanor standing out in the sea of faces that passed through the city streets.

"Oi, mate! What's got you looking like a lost puppy?" Dundee called out, his thick accent cutting through the noise of the city.

Yuno turned to see Dundee approaching, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and curiosity. Despite his rough exterior, there was something about Dundee that felt strangely comforting, a sense of camaraderie that Yuno hadn't felt since leaving home.

"I-I'm new here," Yuno stammered, his voice barely audible over the din of the city. "I don't know anyone, and I don't know what to do."

Dundee grinned, revealing a row of slightly crooked teeth. "Well, mate, you're in luck! You've just stumbled upon the best damn tour guide in all of Los Santos!"

And with that, Dundee took Yuno under his wing, introducing him to the vibrant chaos of life in the city. From the bustling markets of Vespucci Beach to the neon-lit streets of Downtown, Dundee showed Yuno the hidden gems and secret hideouts that only a true local could know.

As Yuno spent moretime with Dundee, the Australian began to impart his knowledge of the city'sunderground economy. Dundee saw potential in Yuno, a raw talent waiting to beshaped into something more. But as Dundee introduced Yuno to the world of petty theft and crime, Yuno found himself torn between his desire for survival and his moral compass.

"Dunno if this is really the right thing to do," Yuno mumbled, his brow furrowed with uncertainty as they stood outside a grocery store, eyeing the cash registers with a mixture of apprehension and longing.

Dundee let out a hearty laugh, slapping Yuno on the back with a force that nearly knocked him off his feet. "Mate, in this city, ya gotta do what ya gotta do to survive. And sometimes, that means bending the rules a bit."

Yuno sighed, feeling the weight of Dundee's words pressing down on him like a leaden blanket. He had tried to find honest work, applying to fast-food restaurants and casinos, but with no experience, he was only offered unpaid janitorial positions.

Frustrated and hungry, Yuno reluctantly agreed to Dundee's plan to rob a house, his stomach churning with guilt and fear. As they crept through the quiet neighborhood under cover of darkness, Yuno's heart pounded in his chest, each step a painful reminder of the path he had chosen.

Inside the house, Yuno's hands shook as he rifled through drawers and cabinets, searching for anything of value. His eyes landed on a shiny microwave sitting on the countertop, and with a sense of desperation, he snatched it up and stuffed it into his backpack.

But as they made their escape, flashing lights illuminated the darkness outside, and the sound of sirens pierced the night air. Panic gripped Yuno's chest as he froze in place, his mind racing with thoughts of consequences and punishment.

"Yuno, we gotta go!" Dundee whispered urgently, but Yuno only shook his head, froze in terror.

Officers proceeded to cuff Yuno and he just stood there meanwhile Dundee screamed at him to get in the van.

Two days passed in the cold confines of the prison cell, each minute dragging by like an eternity for Yuno. When Dundee finally arrived to pick him up, Yuno emerged from the prison gates with a heavy heart and a sense of defeat weighing down his every step.

As they walked through the city streets, Yuno's shoulders slumped with dejection. "I can't do this, Dundee," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Crime isn't for me. I don't want to end up back in prison."

Dundee shot him a sideways glance, his expression a mixture of frustration and exasperation. "Quit being such a pussy, mate," he snapped, his voice sharp with impatience. "You gotta toughen up if you wanna survive in this city. And there's no better teacher than X."

Yuno frowned, his curiosity piqued despite his reservations. "Who's X?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Dundee's eyes gleamed with excitement as he launched into a vivid description of the infamous Ghost Rider, painting a picture of a modern-day Robin Hood who defied the odds and outsmarted the authorities at every turn.

"He's a hero, mate," Dundee declared, his voice reverent. "A legend in this city. If anyone can show you the ropes and teach you how to survive, it's him."

With a sense of reluctance, Yuno followed Dundee to the Fleeca Bank, his heart pounding with anticipation and dread. Dundee instructed him to stay across the street and simply observe, promising that no harm would come to him.

As Yuno watched from the shadows, a figure emerged from the bank, clad in yellow shirt and masked up from head to toe. His movements were swift and confident, his face obscured by a sleek black mask. Yuno's breath caught in his throat as he realized that he was witnessing the Ghost Rider in action.

With a sense of awe, Yuno watched as X effortlessly evaded the police and disappeared into the city streets, leaving a trail of chaos in his wake. Despite his misgivings about a life of crime, Yuno couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through his veins as he witnessed the Ghost Rider's daring escape.

As they walked away from the bank, Yuno's mind raced with possibilities. Perhaps there was more to this city than he had initially thought. And if X could be a hero in a world of villains, maybe there was hope for Yuno yet.

{ OOC AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is purely fictional, please take it as so, some true events are taken as a base but it grows in a different direction. If anything is offensive, let me know and it will be removed, feel free to drop love and recommendations. Oh, and the first three chapters are flashbacks, hence posted on the same day. From Chapter 4, it will be set in the present day. xoxo}

Yuno Sykk: Drawn to DangerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu