Chapter 14 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang's first release

June 21st, the heat is strong, but it is a good day for travel.

Xiao Louzhu travels lightly, accompanied by attendants to Lin'an, leaving Shen Zhong and Shen Ying to train the disciples in the other courtyard. Since Xiao Yan was ambushed by someone by the Green Water River three years ago, she has been staying at the Guangling Courtyard for cultivation in recent years and rarely returns to Lin'an. The one actually in charge of the Yan Yu Tower is the Right Protector Jiang Yan.

The two places are not far apart, and riding horses through the canal is only a three-day journey. Along the way, Xiao Yan mostly rides side by side with him, always worried that the other party's body cannot withstand the bumps along the way, afraid that he is thin-skinned and honest, unwilling to complain or vent his grievances, so intentionally slows down their pace.

In fact, Chen Bao'er has been well-fed and well-rested in the other courtyard for the past two months, and he has been practicing martial arts daily. His body has improved a lot, although his complexion has been stained with some dust from the journey, there is no obvious sign of fatigue.

Previously, Xiao Yan said that she would personally guide him in some basic self-defense martial arts, and she did not give up halfway. It must be said that Xiao Yan is a genius in martial arts with great comprehension. She has been diligently studying for twenty years. Even if she has not achieved great success, she deserves the praise of being able to integrate and apply what she has learned. When she first saw Chen Bao'er perform a set of boxing techniques, she knew the problem. She saw that Chen Bao'er's moves were slow and rigid, but it was not because he was not agile enough, but because of insufficient strength. He stubbornly wanted to perform each move with full force, but using old techniques and lacking strength, he had no extra energy to maneuver.

Xiao Yan pondered over this for two days and specially found a set of agile footwork for him, and taught him some flexible moves to complement the short sword. The small and agile blade, although it looks more dangerous, can actually catch opponents off guard. Moreover, Chen Bao'er's martial arts training is mainly for strengthening his body. When there is a real danger, there is no need for him to intervene.

At this moment, Chen Bao'er, with a short sword at his waist, is riding on a horse. His ink-black long hair is tied up high, and some fine hairs around his temples and forehead sway in the wind. He looks handsome and spirited, with a touch of freshness and cuteness.

Xiao Louzhu, needless to say, every move and gesture shows his efficiency and agility. However, his eyes occasionally glance to the side, not looking at the road but paying attention to the attendants beside him, which is quite strange.

"Louzhu. . ." This section of the road is not easy to travel, the horses are struggling, and it is uncomfortable to be shaken on horseback. Chen Bao'er felt the other party's gaze and became more uneasy.

Xiao Yan: "Get off and lead the horses."

Along this road, Chen Bao'er doesn't understand why Xiao Yan is so hesitant, as if they are going to some dangerous place instead of their own family.

He followed the other's instructions and got off the horse, took his own horse's reins, and took over Xiao Yan's reins.

The prosperous and lively Jiangnan, especially Lin'an Guangling. The road between the two places is well-maintained, except for this one section that goes into the mountains, which appears to be quite remote.

Chen Bao'er stared at the mountain path leading up the hill and unintentionally said, "Louzhu, this road doesn't look easy. I'm afraid we won't be able to pass before dark."

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