Chapter 2: The Cemetery

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Your car breaks down on the side of the road. You look at your gas-meter, and what do you know.... It's empty. But the thing is... You just filled it up yesterday.

You get out of your car and circle around to the gas-lid thingie, where you see it's been ripped completely off... And there's also a giant gash in the side of your car, too. As if whatever ripped off your gas tank's lid was some kind of creature.

Panicked, but still driven by the need for blue waffle, you decided to keep walking through the old cemetery. There's nothing you wanted more than the blue waffle, and you were going to get it no matter what.

All of a sudden, your thoughts were interrupted by the heart-stopping sounds of dogs growling. You didn't know how many dogs, but it was definitely more than one. Without a second thought, you made a run for it. Instead of staying on the road that led through the cemetery, your dumbass decided to go off-course and weave through the tombstones while flailing your arms around and screaming bloody murder.

As expected, you tripped like the quirky relatable girl you were and landed face-first into an open hole in the ground. When you got back on your feet, you realized that someone else was in this hole with you. But not just anyone, no... It was 2 men!! One of the men leaned over the other, humping the fuck out of the other's bloated, pale naked cheeto-dusted booty cheeks, their moist bodies glistening in the moonlight all the while.

...The bottom man was dead.

"TRUMPY WAS MY REAL HUSBAND!! I CAN'T STICK MY DICK IN ANOTHER MAN'S BUTT, THAT'S JUST WRONG" The living man, who you then realized was Barack Obama screamed, making eye contact with you while still violently humping the corpse, which made a sloshing sound with every thrust like a gallon of milk on a bumpy car ride.

Without even blinking, you whipped out the can of RAID from under your left titty and sprayed the fuck out of Obama's necrophilic face. He completely overreacted by writhing on the ground like it hurt or some shit. What a fucking wimp. Then, he exploded into millions of tiny black creatures that began to crawl into the Trumpy-poo corpse husband's dead butthole and mouth. You could have sworn you heard one of the bugs squeak the tiniest "Now we'll be together forever!!" squeak.

You were fortunately quick to crawl out of the open grave, but just as you began to run again, your long black hair caught in your throat and distracted you to the point where you tripped over a tombstone and hit your head on the ground. In your half-alive state, you heard the dogs growling and surrounding you. You wanted to run... But first things first.

You hooked your fingers under the hair from the corners of your mouth and pulled your hair out of your throat. The unnatural sensation gave you the overwhelming urge to puke, but blue waffle kept you going. You have to do this for blue waffle.

After your gag reflex was done with its vibe check from god, you attempted to sit up, but was met with 2 big paws pushing you back down onto the ground. Your dick twitched in your pants a little from anger, but before you could even express this anger, a big gruff growly voice interrupted you.

"You're pinned down, prey. Helpless underneath me. Completely at my mercy, isn't that right?"

It said.

You rolled your eyes and pushed yourself up off the ground, but was pushed back down again. The beast snarled. "STOP. SQUIRMING. OR THIS WOLFIE IS GONNA GET REAL ANGY."

You instinctively sharted in your pants. Luckily the Taco bell surprise-attack was on your side tonight. But unluckily for you, the wolf-man liked the smell of shit. He flipped you over, and when you could see his face, you realized he was actually a girl!! GASP!!

"I'm sorry m'lady," you said, tipping your fedora to her. "Was it rude of me to run away?"

The m'lady wolflady got off of you and backed away a little. Tears streamed down her hairy cheeks. "Y-yes..." She snipered.

You sat up and gave the wolfie-chan a big kawaii uwu hug, your balls fluttering on the inside with excitement. But they fluttered not for the reason you thought.

Wolfie-chan guzzled down your massive, succulent lips and lifted you to your feet. Your taint was doing flip-flops at this time. You wanted to fuck right here and now, but unfortunately you had a very important mission, and a very important person to meet.

In a swift motion, you karate-chopped her in the titties, which sent her toppling over and groaning in pain. You then sprinted like an avenger, your asscheeks clapping all the while. But this time, you were focused. So focused, in fact, that you actually managed to be competent enough to jump over a fallen tree branch instead of tripping over it. Gone were the days where you were a quirky relatable gworl who tripped over her own nuts. You were owed the sacred, presidential blue waffle today, and now you were on a mission to give it a little lick.

But all of a sudden, several red lasers shot up from the ground, which created a wall that you ran into full-force. It shocked you and stunned you on the ground. But while you were laying there, smoke rising off of your flat titty-less chest, you realized....

...The laser-trap was in the shape of a swastika.

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