May 27, 1930

21 1 2

Eight-year-old Evie was waiting at her favorite spot. It was a little corner, where she could see all around.

As she watched the people passing by, she noticed a brunet boy in a nice outfit.

Without thinking for a second longer, she knew he was her target.

She snuck behind him and carefully stuck her hand in his pocket and retrieved her object of intent.

Evie ran away and crouched in an alleyway and opened the wallet. Several reasonably large bills were in there and she smiled as she said, "I'll actually be able to eat tonight."

Her attention was drawn to a blond boy raising his fists.

The boy was small and thin and was fighting a boy bigger than him.

She frowned as she watched.

Brunet boy walked up and broke up the fight, chastising blond boy.

Then, brunet boy noticed her and frowned when he saw what was in her hands.

Brunet boy felt his pockets and held out his hand. "That's mine."

Evie begrudgingly gave the wallet back. She stood and began walking away, feeling her stomach grumble. She'd have to try again, otherwise it was dumpster diving again.

"Hey!" a voice called after her.

She turned to see brunet boy. "Yeah?"

"Artful Dodger much?"

She shrugged. "I don't know what you mean."

"You stole my wallet. Why?"

"What's it to you?"

Brunet boy moved closer to her with a frown. "It's mine. I want to know why you stole it."

Blond boy said, "I think it's because she's hungry. Look at her. She's thin and looks like she hasn't had a good meal in ages. That'd make anyone alone want to steal a wallet."

Evie pursed her lips. She wouldn't reveal the truth to two strangers. She couldn't.

Brunet boy's face softened slightly. "Is it true? Are you hungry?"

She was about to say no, when her stomach grumbled and betrayed the lie. She sighed and nodded.

Brunet boy gave her a small smile. "Why didn't you just say so? Come on, I'll get you something. You too, Steve."

Evie looked between Steve and brunet boy nervously.

Brunet boy's smile became more genuine. "I'm not gonna turn you in. I promise. My name's Bucky."

She frowned. "What kind of name is Bucky?"

"It's a nickname. Now are you gonna tell us your name or not? You can trust us. I promise."

She looked between them again, deciding to reveal herself. She had no friends, so gaining a couple would be good. "Genevieve Alden. But call me Evie or I'll sock you."

Bucky laughed. "Nice to meet you, Evie. Whaddya want?"

Evie thought for a moment and smiled. "A hamburger and fries."

"Hamburger and fries it is."

The three new acquaintances, soon to be friends, made their way to a nearby diner to eat.

Little they know a great friendship began that day.

But that was only a piece of the story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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