Phoenix Secrets Revealed

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It has been two weeks since Issei awoke from his induced slumber following his destructive rampage. Despite Rias' objections, he was traded along with Rossweisse to Layla Phoenix's Peerage. She promptly had rooms prepared for them, along with their belongings already moved from the Hyoudou Mansion into their new rooms in the Phoenix Mansion. Layla herself made sure they were ready. She also informed Rossweisse, along with Ravel and those who needed to be informed of his status, that they were going to hold off from other people visiting him until they assess his mental stability.

During this time, Riser and Ruuval were shown the memory crystal, which showed the events that happened on that day and what happened to their sister at the hands of Issei. Although initially angered by what they saw, the two brothers quickly regained their composure and began to empathize with Issei. Ruuval, unfamiliar with Issei, acknowledged the positive impact he had made within the underworld and held respect for him. He believed that Issei did not deserve the fate that befell him and was grateful that their sister had intervened, preventing him from becoming a monster and doing something regrettable.

The incident had a profound effect not only on Issei himself but also on others, particularly his younger sister, Ravel. Riser was enraged witnessing the transformation of someone he deemed a worthy rival into a mindless monster. However, after witnessing his sister's unconditional love for Issei through the memory crystal, Riser genuinely cared about Issei's recovery and desired to train and engage in battle with him once he is in a better state of mind and capable of doing so.

Presently, Issei and Ravel are lying in bed together, wrapped in each other's arms, in a deep, peaceful slumber, with Ravel protectively cradling Issei. Within his own mindscape, Issei finds himself confronted by the familiar darkness that had consumed him during his rampage. Filled with confusion and dread, he calls out, searching for his partner Ddraig and seeking answers, mainly why he's back in this black void again.

Issei: "Why am I back here? Hey, Ddraig, are you there?"

That's when a very malicious voice could be heard that sounded similar to his but a little deeper and hollow. Issei turned around, only to be grabbed by the neck by a shadowy figure that resembled him, as he heard the evil Shadow speak to him.

 Issei turned around, only to be grabbed by the neck by a shadowy figure that resembled him, as he heard the evil Shadow speak to him

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???: "Ah, welcome back! It's finally time to finish what I started."

Issei, who was struggling to get out of the shadowy figure's grip and release his neck, was barely able to speak.

Issei: "...What do you mean 'finish what you started,' and who are you? And how and why are you in my mindscape?"

???: "...SHHH. It doesn't matter. Soon, you will cease to exist, and it will only be me. So there's no reason to tell you. Just enjoy the few moments you have before you embrace oblivion. Ha-ha-ha!"

Issei, who was still struggling, noticed that the lower part of his body was already engulfed in shadows that reached onto his body from the hand of the shadowy figure grasped upon his neck. He slowly felt like he was fading away as the shadows engulfed him. They were slowly making their way up his neck, and he could see the malevolent smile, laughter, and red eyes of the shadowy figure becoming more visible. It horrified him as he started to notice it was taking on his appearance, with slight differences like his red eyes and black hair. Issei cried for help, was hoping this was a nightmare but realized it wasn't and he was just hoping somebody would come to save him.

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