Trailer 3

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[Cue the battle with the Brachio and Tyranno Tribes]

Brachium: "There was a battle. My father fought an enemy named "King Tyrannus". And with his Jurassicons, he could rule Animatron."

[cue King Tyrannus, and in his Dino Mode rampaging through the Kingdoms]

Sonar: "Is that..."

ShadowFreeze: "King Tyrannus!"

Nyx: "Is he that powerful?"

Sonar: "Um... Yeah, obvi."

[cue Optimal Optimus vs King Tyrannus] 

Primal: "You're gonna pay for this!"

[cue Primal defeated]

ShadowFreeze: "I knew we shouldn't have come to Animatron!"

Dragochain: "So, we're just giving up?"

ShadowFreeze: "We had a plan to raid King Tyrannus where he lives! And, now it's ruined!"

[cue Primal with a certain prisoner]

Primal: "Who are you?"

Chiefosaurus: "I'm the captain of this buncha rebels."

[cue Prison break]

Stomp: "It's chaos here!"

[cue the Maximals, A.N.D., and the AutoPirates in an Alliance]

Primal: "Alright, we take the fight to King Tyrannus, as a team!"

[cue King Tyrannus' 3 captives]

King Tyrannus: "I have 3 captives. What can you do with a team like that?"

Primal: "It's simple, MAXIMIZE!!!"

[cue the biggest battle in Onigashima while this song plays]

[cue the biggest menace our heroes must face]

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[cue the biggest menace our heroes must face]

???: "Ma-ma, ma-ma! You guys sure are havin' fun! Mind if I join in?"

Black Star: "We should run."

Dragochain: "Yep!"

Coming to Wattpad!

Transformers: Beast Adventures - Revenge of the JurassiconsWhere stories live. Discover now