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Han Jisung

When you turned 16, your soulmate mark would appear on your wrist like a tattoo. Everyone had a soulmate. All you needed to do was find the one who’s mark matched yours. This was easier said than done. Your soulmate was always someone who was alive and the same age, but they could be anywhere in the world. Everyone found their soulmate. If you couldn't find them on your own then you would ask for the company to help you. The company was initiated thousands of years ago when the soulmate program was created. They oversaw everything to do with soulmates.

On my sixteenth birthday, my soulmate mark appeared in the shape of half a music note. It was small, but I loved it. I loved looking at it. There was a downside to the soulmate mark though. The closer you were to your soulmate, it would start to feel like it was burning, only when the marks were connected, it would stop. I couldn't wait for the day where I would meet my soulmate. I had always wondered what they would be like, what they would look like, if he was someone I already knew. I was just longing for that day where I was united with the guy I was meant to be with for the rest of my life, my perfect partner.

I admired my mark and most days I would enhance it with makeup. The little music note was beautiful and the day that it matched with its other half was going to be even more beautiful. Knowing that my soulmate was out there was one of the only things that kept me going. I’ve had my mark for six years now and ever since I had been searching for them. I was never going to give up. I was going to meet my soulmate and nobody/nothing could stop  me.

I was at work. Everyday was the same. At least I worked at a coffee shop. It was a lovely place to work in and the customers were always lovely. The job was good for paying the bills and the people I worked with were always lovely as well. I owned half of the coffee shop with my best friend, Ella. She handled the money side of everything and I handled the customers and the staff. Ella also worked on the shop floor, we took turns each day. Ella came out of the small office at the back of the coffee shop and ran to me with a big smile on her face.

“y/n! Guess what just happened?” She practically squealed.

“What, what happened?” I raised an eyebrow.

“y/n, I got tickets. Stray Kids are going on tour, I got two tickets, one for you and one for me! We’re seeing Stray Kids, the show is in a couple of weeks!” This time she squealed.

“That’s amazing, I know how much you are a fan of them and have been wanting to see them. I can’t wait.” I smiled at my friend.

Ella was very much into k-pop and idol music. She never stopped going on about her favourite group, Stray Kids, the ones we would be seeing. They were her favourite group and she had been a fan of them for a while. She would always talk about how much she wanted to see them live. I was happy for her that she was going to see them, even if I had to be dragged along. I had listened to a couple of Stray Kids’ songs and they weren’t that bad, mostly the ones that Ella had played for me, but they were quite good. I just had to do a little research before we went to see them, like find out the members and learn their names.

After Ella told me the news, she went back into the office and I got back to serving customers. Today was a slow day, but there were still people in. The coffee shop was very popular with students as the coffee shop was quite close to one of the big colleges in the city, many came to work on whatever projects they had to do, some came in groups, some came alone, it was nice to see. They were all very nice. Whenever I asked what they were working on, they were happy to explain it to me. I

~two weeks later - the day of the skz concert~
I had just finished serving one of our regulars when someone came into the coffee shop. I felt my mark burning as soon as that person walked in. I looked up at them, they had a hat and a mask on, hiding their face. The person came up to the counter and looked at the menu behind me. They had long sleeves so I couldn’t see their soulmate mark. They made eye contact with me, my mark was burning pretty badly at this point, it was making me tear up with how painful it was. I could see the person's eyes widened as they lifted up their sleeve.

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