vitamin c

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you and ladybug have made it back to your seats, the ssd card tucked securely away into ladybug's pants pocket. "that was actually way easier than i thought," ladybug comments, nodding his head as it leans back against his chair.

"yeah, but we searched all those suitcases for fucking nothing. but it's whatever, we just need to get off the train at shinagawa. what time does it stop?" you ask ladybug, your arms resting on the table in front of you as you rest your chin in your hand.

ladybug brings his forearm up in front of him, pulling back the sleeve of his dark sea green jacket to check his watch. "umm, it's 9:34 right now, and the train should stop around 10:10." he looks up from his watch, nodding as his hand drop back in his lap with a huff of a sigh.

"so we've got a while." you sigh as well, but less dramatically as him. you look out the window on your right, watching the city lights flash by in the dark as the shinkansen speeds on the tracks. even though it's of a city, you find the view still pretty scenic. you've always like the city at night; it's calming to you.

ladybug drags out a loud inhale through his nose, before swiftly letting the breath out through his mouth. "yeah, we've got time to kill." he pauses for a moment, looking past you and down at the ground; he's zoned out just as quickly as he zones back in. "well. since we're in japan, and i'll probably— hopefully— never be back here, i'm gonna go explore the train."

you knew that ladybug wouldn't want to come back to japan. it's so insanely crowded here, and like the opposite of you, he mostly hates big cities. but you agree with this one; so far, you're not going to want to relive memories of this job by coming back to japan. you nod with a shrug, thinking that's actually a fun idea. "yeah, alright. that sounds good."

"i'm gonna go check that bar area-"

"i wanna see the other end of the train-"

you and ladybug both talk at the same time, but say completely opposite things. the idea of having a bar on a train sounds like a good idea right about now, even if it's first class— and you're definitely not first class.

and ladybug's already seen that end of the train, so being how he is, he wants the check out the whole thing. you both give a small chuckle at the finding out that you both have different ideas for exploring the train.

"um, alright, i guess we'll.. split up then? i mean, i'm good with it if you are." ladybug offers, but he's almost positive you'll be fine with that solution. he knows you can't turn down a bar that's so easy to just pour a drink for yourself in, even if it's stealing. but neither of you have ever cared about the morality of stealing anything.

"yeah, that's fine with me. we'll just meet back here at like, 10:05 or something. we can text each other if something ends up going wrong— i dunno." you shrug, picking your phone up from the table and beginning to stand up from your seat. you slide your phone into the right pocket on the side of your skirt. since you're on a job, you don't have your regular phone you use on the daily. you've got some shirty iphone 5 that has only maria's, ladybug's, and your anonymous client's number saved to it. but it is convenient; since it's so small, it's not a hassle.

"alright." ladybug stands up as well, again, brushing over his clothes to smooth them out from sitting. he puts a friendly hand on your shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. "you be careful with those twins running around here. i mean, i know you can handle yourself, but just saying. especially with the situation i found you in with vitamin c," he teases you, his blue eyes creasing as he smiles at his playful comment.

you roll your eyes, annoyed at the fact that tangerine could've gotten you backed up into a wall with your knife to your throat in the first place, let alone that ladybug saw it, and had to help you out of the situation you had gotten yourself into. but you do crack a small smile at ladybug calling him 'vitamin c'.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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