Arc 1 chapter 10 A brawl and a drink

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Third person POV
It's been two weeks since Adwen's promotion to knight lieutenant and his new assignment. Adwen is currently at the market place, getting sweets for the children that are part of the circle of magi. Wanting to give something to cheer up the children, knowing that they probably have noticed the increased Templar presence that is observing them. While at the market he notices the florist's stock contains flowers that is native to Fereldan, that look like the flowers Bethany Hawke like as her brother Hawke mentioned to him one time. Adwen decides to buy some for Bethany Hawke.

Adwen: Where did you get theses Fereldan flowers?

Florist: A Fereldan living here was growing them. And sold them to me, you interested in buying some?

Adwen: Yes, how much?

Florist: Ten silver please.

Adwen hands the silver to the Florist and is given the flower, in which he puts them into the basket that is filled with sweets for the children. Adwen then heads to the docks, where he takes a boat heading to the gallows. When he arrives at the gallows, he notices Lance being hard on a bunch of recruits Meredith assigned him to train. Adwen however wants to avoid Lance fearing that a conversation between them might start to turn hostile, due to the last conversation between them was getting intense.

Adwen arrives at the section of the gallows where the children are at, they are currently being taught the basics of magic by Bethany Hawke who now has the rank of enchanter in the circle. Adwen takes the flowers in his hand and puts them behind his back, Bethany notices Adwen's presence.

Bethany: (noticing Adwen's presence) Alright children, let's take a break.

The children go of and play, while Bethany goes over and talks to Adwen.

Bethany: Is their a problem sir knight?

Adwen: No, just wanted to give the children these.

Adwen hands Bethany the basket of sweets, Bethany is surprised at a Templar being kind to the children despite most Templars being harsh to them due to Meredith's policies. Bethany takes the sweets and takes them to the children, and gives the sweets out to them. The children are all joyful and getting sweets during these harsh times on the circle, Adwen smiles at the children's joy. Bethany finished handing out the sweets to the children and comes back to Adwen.

Bethany: Thank you for your kindness towards the children, sir knight. They haven't showed this much joy in a while.

Adwen:( brings out the flowers from behind his back and gives them to Bethany) Also I thought you'd like these.

Bethany:( Takes the flowers and gasps) These flowers! There just like the ones back home, how did y-

Adwen: Your brother Hawke, may have mentioned these were your favorite at one point.

Bethany: (realizes who Adwen is) Oh! So you must be Adwen then, my brother mentioned you whe-

Lance: Did you children steal these sweets with your magic!

Adwen and Bethany turn to see Lance harassing the children about where they got the sweets.

Child: We didn't sir!

Lance: Don't you lie to me you-

Adwen: Stop it Lance! I gave them the sweets.

Lance: (shoves the child aside and approaches Adwen) And why did you give them sweets.

Adwen: Cause their children Lance. And people at that.

Lance: Their just demons in a child's body.

Adwen: You go too far, Lance! Sometimes, you just need to lighten-

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