Chapter 30

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Hank didn't believe for a second that Jay showing up back in Chicago at his farewell party that had been organised by Erin was a coincidence. He didn't believe in coincidences in general, let alone this one. Erin had made sure Jay showed his face as a sign of respect. What better way to get the 'father-in-law' on side in the rekindled relationship?

Hank saw it all for what it was, but he still appreciated Jay coming, and Erin organising it. The two men had experienced many issues with each other over the years, sometimes big ones. Hank had a big one right now regarding Jay's behaviour towards Hailey. But, issues not withstanding, Hank did respect Jay, as a cop and as a man. And he appreciated how happy Erin had been lately, a lot of that thanks to looking forward to giving things another shot with Jay. He wasn't going to try and stand in the way of that.

As Jay walked into the bar, he made eye contact with Hank and started heading straight for him. Hank stayed right where he was, but he glanced over at Erin. She was at a table talking to Kim and Kevin, with her back to the door, unaware for now that Jay had arrived.

"There's Jay," Dante Torres said, standing beside Hank. "Didn't know he was coming back."

"Neither did I," Hank replied. Not tonight anyway.

Jay approached Hank and offered his hand along with a smile. "Hank. Had to make sure I made it back here for this. Sorry to hear what CPD did to you. You deserved a lot better, but you'll move onwards and upwards."

Hank shook the man's hand. "Thanks for making the effort to come tonight. I'm trying to look forwards rather than backwards."

"That's the right thing to do. And I had to be here to thank you for everything you did for me at Intelligence."

They were interrupted by Erin's arrival. Someone had apparently pointed out Jay's arrival to her.

"Jay," was all she said. It was all she had to say. They embraced each other, and Hank could see the love they were feeling for each other in the way they held each other. It was how he felt when he hugged Kalinda, although more powerful because Erin and Jay had been waiting weeks, or months, for this moment.

"I'm sorry I took so long to get back," Jay said to Erin.

"Don't be sorry about that. Just don't leave again."

"I won't," he promised.

"I'll buy you a drink," Hank said to Jay once the embrace ended. "Join me at the bar. I want to introduce you to someone."

"You won't buy me a drink. I'll buy you one," Jay insisted.

"No one is buying anyone drinks. They're on the house," Dante said with some amusement. "Good to see you, man."

"And you," Jay said, shaking hands with his former colleague. With that, he joined Hank and they walked towards the bar, where Kalinda and Kevin were standing in conversation.

"You know we're going to have a conversation," Hank said, clearly meaning about the Hailey situation.

"I know," Jay said, his tone showing that he understood why Hank was pissed. "I acted like an asshole, Hank. Not going to say I didn't. I'll come see you one day and we'll talk. For now, let's enjoy a drink?"

That was fair enough, Hank thought. The guy was making an effort. The least he could do was do the same, for Erin's sake if nothing else.

"Look who it is!" Kevin said when Jay and Hank approached. Jay hugged him, and the two men patted each other on the back several times. Good friends reunited.

"It's good to see you," Jay said.

"You too, bro. You've been missed," Kevin said with feeling.

Hank handled the next introduction, hoping that if Erin had mentioned Kalinda to Jay she had told him that their relationship was to be kept quiet from Intelligence. "Kalinda Rai, meet Jay Halstead."

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