~Breakdown/Panic attack~

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Sun was shaking violently and was breathing fastly.Moon hugged him tightly,but it didn't seem to help.Solar,Lunar and Earth entered and looked at Moon and Sun with wide eyes.

Moon:"Ok ok..I make it short...Sun has a breakdown,or-or a panic attack,I'm not sure...And I need help to calm him down!"

Moon said that pretty fast,he was definitely panicking,but tried to stay calm.He kept Sun in a tight hug,while Earth and Lunar went over,while Solar stood in place.

Earth slowly approached Sun,and kneeled down Infront of him, with an soft and comforting smile.she needs to stay calm,and not show any panic...it wouldn't help Sun at all..She took a deep breath

Earth:"Sun,look...look at me...."

She said,and repeated that,until Sun looked at her,with eyes full of tears and panic...Oh...how much Moon hated this....to see Sun like this...it hurts him so damn...Same with Earth and Lunar...Sun is such a sweet and silly person...he deserves the world..

Earth:"Alright Alright...Sun..deep...deep breath...look at me,look at me! Good...now breath in....yes!now count down with me..."





Earth:"yes! Just like that....now...repeat..."

Earth did this for a while,and it seemed to help Sun to calm down...Lunar also helped now,and did something Moon taught him, something that Moon often did when Sun was in a state like this..

Lunar:"Hey Sun...tell...tell me three...three red things you can see.."

He said,with an comforting voice..He really hoped he could help Sun..Earth already did a great job...And now he had to do a great job...Solar still stood in place,not doing anything...But why?..


Sun answered to Lunar,and Lunar smiled,when he heard the answer.Sun seemed more focused now,and his breathing went slower...more in control...

Lunar:"Good job!...now tell me something you can feel... physically..."

Sun stayed silent for a while, until he nuzzled into Moon's shoulder,as Moon was still hugging him tightly


He answered


Lunar and Earth giggled...And Moon also couldn't help but smile...The three repeated their ways,and soon...Sun seemed calm again..still a little shaky,but he seemed alright...



Moon:"Sun...Do you...mind.. telling me what triggered the panic attack?..."

Moon asked, clearly worried.He really cared about Sun...A lot....

Sun:"I...I don't know...I just..felt something... rushing through my body...like...an Electric shock...and then I couldn't control myself and...yeah..this... happened.."

Sun looked away from everyone..Moon felt suspicious.. something... was wrong with Sun..but what was it? Moon sighed heavily,and kept hugging Sun..I mean... apparently,Moon is very comfy,as Sun said so... That thought made Moon kinda happy...He then looked at Solar,and raised an eyebrow

Moon:"Why are you just standing there? Why didn't you help us, Solar?.."

Lunar and Earth could hear slight confusion and anger in Moon's voice,but they stayed silent,and also looked at Solar.Solar had an pretty neutral expression,and shrugged slightly

Solar:"I didn't knew how to help..I don't know much about Sun,and you guys had everything in control,so why should I bother?"

Moon stared at Solar for a while,in complete silence...he then turned back to Sun,and...cuddled him..He knew... Something was up with Solar..he was lying..but why?


Moon soon heard snoring, coming from Sun..Sun actually fell asleep in Moon's embrace...That never really happened before...But oh...he wished this would happen more often,because it was adorable...Sun was a little bean,cuddled up in Moon's embrace...

Lunar:"This is so...damn... adorable!.."

He Mumbled,and watched,while Earth took a photo, sending it to all her contacts


Earth:"You see,I'm sure this photo being send is better then a photo of you being a robot furry is being send" (I got a stroke while writing this, complicated much)


Lunar:"We should...hm...You know,Sun seems a little...drained...Or...Sad...we should cheer him up! A movie night maybe?In the theater!"

Moon looked at Lunar,and then back at the sleeping Sun, before nodding

Moon:"that...sounds good actually,yeah! Let's do it!"

Solar:"I can prepare the theater if you guys like ..I'm working there anyway.."

Lunar and Earth both nodded at that

Lunar:"that would be cool, yeah! Thanks Twink!"

.. .


Solar stared at Lunar...


Lunar:"okay,bye bye now!"

Lunar said,and quickly ran off...Earth and Moon also left.Moon carried Sun with him ofc...


Lunar:"he's gonna stab me..."

He said (not in a serious way)

(So uh,new chapter! I .. I'm sorry I guess,since this isn't really a good chapter,but I promise the next one will be better! Hopefully...just deciding if the next part should be wholesomeness,or instant angst... Probably first wholesomeness,and then the next few chapters,the real angst and story starts>:)

Hope you guys have a good day/Night

{Art on the top of chapter is made by me}

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