Heroes Return

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Izuku POV

As I'm driving, I start seeing things I haven't seen in years and can't help but feel nervous. But I have more than one reason to go back besides Ochako.

“Dad, are we going to do the plan we discussed before?”


“What plan?” Ochako asks.

“You'll see soon enough. Let's just say it's time for heroes to return,” I smile.

“You know something about that smile scares me.”

When we finally get to Tokyo, Ochako takes us to her place.

“Are you sure it's okay for us to stay if you?”

“Yes, Izu, besides, I have more than enough room. I don't think All Might realized how much room this house actually has. Besides, it'll be less lonely with you two here.”

“Ochako, you sure have a lot of pictures of Dad up,” Eri asks, and Ochako turns red and starts floating. I quickly use Black Whip to hold her like a balloon.

“Eri, you just love to make her feel embarrassed.”

“Would you rather me tell her about saying her name in your sleep?” I turn red and Float activates, and she starts laughing hard.

Aizawa and All Might walk in and see what's happening and just shake their heads. After that, we get settled in and start unpacking. We didn't bring a lot of stuff with us since she had furniture. We mainly just brought our valuables and collectibles. It's kind of funny watching Eri ask Ochako for her autograph on every poster and box. After I finish, I decide to step out to make a few phone calls.

“Hey, Iida, it's Izuku. I was wondering if we could talk.” He answers. “Yeah, I'm back, and I have a plan that I'll need your help with.”

“Okay, see you tomorrow.”

I dial the next number. “Hey, Ragdoll, it's Izuku.”


“It's actually Yagi now, but I was wondering if I could tell you I could get your quirk back, would you take it?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Then how about we meet up tomorrow around two.”

“Sounds good. I'll bring everyone; I'm sure they'll be happy to see you.”

I dial my last number for the day. “Hey, Mirio, it's Izuku.”

“You're back.”

“Yeah, now are you free right now?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I'm going to send you an address, come to it and bring the other two.”

“Okay, but why?”

“Lemillion is coming back.” I hang up before he says anything else and go in. “Eri, Mirio is on his way, so get ready to give him his quirk back.”

“Okay, Dad.”

“And All Might, in a few days, we're going to need a press conference. I'll explain why in a little bit. And Aizawa, are you still in contact with Shinso?”

“Of course, even though he chose to work alone, I still talk to him.”

“Good, give him a call and tell him to meet me at Might Tower in two days.”

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