underneath the stars

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**Uraraka's POV**

As I say it out loud, I almost can't believe it. I always knew it but never said it out loud. “I love him. I love Midoriya Izuku.” I say it again to make sure it's real.

“Good because he needs someone. As much as I wish I was enough for him, but I know he needs someone like you to love. And in all honesty, he needs you,” Eri says.

“Why does it have to be me?”

“He won't admit it, but you're the only reason he didn't go off the deep end. Everyone else could think of him however they wanted, but you... If you didn't believe in him, I don't want to think of what would happen,” she explains.

“I'll try,” I say, not really knowing if I can really do it. It's been so long since I had to confront these feelings that I honestly forgot how. We quickly leave his room when Izuku returns. I finally see him in his new hero suit. It is very similar to his original, just a bit more high-tech and a darker green. It is also missing the hood. I watch as he presses a button on it and it collapses down into a necklace hanging around his neck.

“Wow, that's an impressive suit, young Izuku,” Toshinori says.

“Nanotech, David and Melissa made it,” Izuku explains. “But let's get back to the conversation we were having before I left. I simply don't know if I can go back. It's hard to think about seeing everyone who doubted me. But I'll think about it.”

“That's all we ask, Problem Child.”

“Just call me Izuku, Aizawa. Y'all can stay the week because me and Eri are celebrating her birthday next week.”

“Ok Izuku, are you sure it's ok?”

“Yeah, I have the room. Besides, it was just going to be us this year since the others are busy.” He shows us each to a guest room and leaves with Toshinori to pick up groceries.

**Toshinori's POV**

As I sit in the passenger seat of Izuku's truck, I feel a bit nostalgic. “This is a nice truck, Young Izuku.”

“Yeah, when I saw it I thought of the beach and bought it. Look in the glove box.” I look in the glove box and see a picture I took of us on the tailgate of my truck. “That was the day I finally finished cleaning the beach.”

“Yes, I remember taking this picture. It was quite a day.”

“So I'm assuming Uraraka and Aizawa know about One for All.”

“Yes, after you were taken into custody, I informed them of it because they were the only ones to believe in you. Uraraka took it quite hard when I revealed that you were quirkless before, while Aizawa was mad that we hid it from him. Which I can't blame him for.”

“Good, I always wanted to tell them but I took what you said about not telling anyone too seriously, I figure.”

“I think I'm to blame. I should have let you build a circle of trust like I did. Maybe we could have avoided this situation.”

“Let's not think about that. Eri also knows. She found out on her own.”

“So she's getting your smarts, I see.”

“That's what she claims. I guess you are also wondering why I chose your last name.”

“I was, actually.”

“Inko didn't believe her own son was innocent. She told me she should have abandoned me like everyone told her to. But you are one of the only father figures I ever had who believed in me. Plus, it seemed like a good way to hide my true identity.”

Echoes of trustTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang