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Kelsey couldn't believe that Miss Mystic Falls was here, but the problem is, her and Brittany couldn't join, but that didn't stop Stefan from taking her some where. "Stefan, why are we not watching the pageant?"

"I have something I want to ask you and the only way I can do it is to take you to a place that I think is perfect." He tells her as they walked into the garage. "First, I want to show you something that I had for a very long time." He uncovered his car. "I have been working on it for a while and I wanted us to go for a ride."

"Oh, Stefan."

"Today is not just that stupid pageant, but it's also your birthday." Kelsey stared at him in shock. "I love you, Kelsey Gilbert so much and I want to marry you." He got down on one knee causing Kelsey to cover her mouth. "Will you marry me?"

Kelsey smiled as she kissed him. "I love you so much." She tells him. "Yes, I will marry you."
Brittany found Kelsey as she had to announce something to her, Bonnie and Caroline. "What do you have to tell us?"

Showing the ring, Caroline screamed as she pulled her into a big hug. Elena wondered what was going on and saw the ring. She didn't say anything as she knew her sister still didn't trust her. She was happy for her.

Seeing her, Kelsey spoke. "Elena?" She looked at her. "Thank you for the onesies and I'm engaged."

"I'm happy for you." She tells her. "Are you going to be at the pageant or..."

"Stefan wants us to look around for more things for the baby." She tells her. "I wish you luck."

"Thanks." She says as Kelsey started walking away. "I know you don't trust me now, but I want to say Happy birthday."

"Thank you." She tells her as Elena walked away. Turning to face the others, she shrugged as she didn't know what to say.
Later that day, Stefan and Damon saw the friends walking to them. "So are we ready to celebrate?"

"Let's do it." Brittany tells them. "I'm ready to celebrate this hunters birthday/engagement."

Kelsey and Stefan smiled as they got in the car with Damon and Brittany behind them. They drove off as they were leaving Mystic Falls for the weekend.

Sorry it's short. What should happen next?

Kelsey Gilbertحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن