the kidnapping part 3 Lysander

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Lysander pov

I walk through the streets of ketterdam alone thinking of what had happened at the parley tonight. Kaz had put us in danger again he had almost got inej killed again and to top it all off he had known of the danger the whole time and never warned us never once gave any hint. If inej had been a second slower we all would be dead. I'm angry of course but for some reason I can't hate him I want to he's put us in so much danger so many times almost got us killed more times than I can count yet I can't hate him. And not to mention all the times he's sent us on missions that are almost certain death with a smile or as close as he can get to smiling. I'm tired of his antics I'm tired of being his puppet I thought I had gotten away from being a pawn when I left ravka. But no now I have just changed puppeteers I swapped my father for kaz. The amount of times I've almost said no to kaz just left the dregs and ketterdam forever. I could I could sneak onto a ship sail off somewhere else far away. Kaz would never know until he was already gone but he couldn't one thing kept him here in this God forsaken city. And that thing is inej I can't leave her here. I can't just leave her behind I won't just leave her behind. Once she was free of her Indenture he was going to buy a ship and get her out of here she doesn't belong in this town she's too good for it. I head back towards the slat still fuming when I reach the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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