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30/10/2023, monday, 1pm

politics was always a game of one-upping one another, where lies become truths and truths become lies, where popularity matters more than intellect and skills. politics had evolved into possibly one of the most cutthroat and manipulative governmental sector.

and through it all, m/n always had a spectacular sense to rely on – his gut feeling. he had always relied on his gut feeling to determine the liars from the honest, the guilty from the innocent. in some cases, he could almost sense premonitions in his gut, and he learnt to always trust them. but after friday night, he had to re-evaluate this very sense he prided himself on.

quickly mentally going through the plan he had made over the weekend, he walked into the president's office with a form in his hand, knowing he was busy preparing for the summit in just three hour's time.

as expected, various people were in the room scurrying around with scripts on their hands.

"mr president i'm so sorry to disturb your time," he said as he approached the table, a line forming behind him almost immediately.

"i need you to sign this form. it's to set aside an extra small percentage of funds for the cia." he handed the form over, with the details of the form in smaller fonts. in reality, while the form the president sign was to actually approve for higher allocation of funds to the cia, it would also be used for m/n's nefarious plans.

without even glancing through the form, president grant signed it. quickly saying his gratitude, m/n walked out of the oval office satisfied.

his plan of starting a secret organisation is going well. he ringed up a confidant, telling her to set it up through a secret code amongst the two.

the receiver hung up immediately after, not even giving a short reply.

making a brisk walk to his office, he faxed the document to the pentagon and the federal reserve. after receiving a message in just 2 minutes after it was faxed from his conspirer, a casual message which was another secret code they had indicated that his plan was going well.

30/10/2023, monday, 2pm

taking in a shaky breath, he walked down the hallway and into nct dream's changing room where tension was high. their performance was due to start in 1.5 hours, so it was slightly surprising to him that they were still in casual clothes.

what he also wasn't expecting was the members pacing around, anxiety painted all over their face.

"how's preparation going?" he asked as he walked through the door, mark being the first to turn to him.

the group broke out into a cacophony at the question, grumbled groans resonating off the walls.

"we're terrified," mark stammered the reply after minutes of no replies from his other members.

"i can tell," m/n laughed. "why?"

"why?" mark shot him a dirty look with his eyebrows furrowed, as if the question was stupid (which it was).

"we're performing infront of 2 world leaders?!"

"not exactly," m/n laughed again. "you'd be performing as a representative of south korean culture, to commemorate the summit. the 2 presidents won't be watching your performances in real life."

"that makes it even more terrifying?!" mark exclaimed, m/n giggled with an awkward smile.

"you'll do fine," m/n confided. "i chose nct dream for a reason." he put on a charming grin, which seemed to ease their anxiety by just a little.

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