you place the nail polish on your night stand as you slip your hand into his, careful not to get the wet paint on him, as you guide him to sit in-front of you on the bed, "not's just for looks, it," you struggle to find words to help explain to him the purpose of this... "enhances one's beauty..."

he slightly tilts his head in response, seeming more confused than before, "how can you make something more beautiful when it's already perfect?" your eyes slightly widen at his accidental straight-forwardness...

a nervous chuckle slips past your lips as you grab the polish one more and add finishing touches to your hand, "i-i don't's just an idea, a doesn't necessarily actually do that." "is this another one of your strange earthrealm customs?"

you smile slightly, "yes it is," you finish with your hand and bring your gaze up to him as you sweetly ask, "would you like to participate in this custom?" "umm..sure." "alright, what color do you want? i have anything and everything."

as you make this statement you walk over to your collection of nail polishes and wait for his reply, "i don't can pick." "how about a simple black? no designs or anything." "alright..."

you nod to yourself a grab the specific color and head back to the man as you sit before him once more, holding your hand out to him. he carefully places his hand in yours as you try and keep yourself from blushing madly at the simple contact...

you quickly start coating his nails in the dark color, the silence not lasting long as the man speaks curiously, "earthrealm seems to have strange traditions." "yea they do...outworld is even stranger though, i've been here for awhile now and still don't fit in all their traditions it feels like..."

"you'll get used to it soon princess, don't worry. you also have your sisters who care for you." "yea, i guess...what about you? did your people welcome you back?" "they did. i was surprised, but very pleased with the reaction to my return." "i'm happy for you syzoth..."

"may i ask you something, princess?" "please call me y/n, you know me better than anyone here, so you have the right to call me by my name." "well then...may i ask you something, y/n?" you smile to yourself and continue concentrating heavily on your current task, "you may..."

"what other traditions do earthrealmers have? i find it fascinating to hear about..." "there's a lot of strange things...what specific ones did you want to learn about?" you pause what you're doing and look up to the man innocently, but you notice him slightly freeze at your sudden eye contact...seemingly getting lost in your eyes, as you do the same with his piercing green ones...

you feel yourself lean slightly closer to him, noticing him doing the same. you're able to remain surprisingly calm as your quiet, sultry voice asks, "tell me syzoth," his eyes solely on you, wanting to take in every word that falls from your lips, "do you have a similar tradition for"

before the man can utter a word, you close the small space between the two of you as your lips mold perfectly to his in a sweet kiss...

he carefully brings his unpainted up to lightly cup your cheek as you lean into his touch more...before reluctantly pulling away, catching your breath as adrenaline pumped through you...

you realize what just happened..what you just did and your eyes slightly widen as you lean away from the man, "i- i'm sorry- that was so sudden.." "princess-" i wasn't thinking-" "y/n-" "i shouldn't have done that.." "y/n listen-" you aren't able to get another word out as you feel lips on yours once more...

your eyes widen more at the sudden contact, but you feel yourself instantly melt into the man's lips once more as you begin to finally calm down...

realizing you had finally calmed down the man slowly pulls away, "are you alright now?" you only nod as he continues, "good...will you listen to me now?" you nod once more and allow the man to speak his mind finally...

"i..i don't know what i'm feeling, but i've felt this way for awhile and it's only around's so strange and indescribable...and with what we just you feel the same way? or does that have a different meaning for earthrealmers?"

you smile as a light blush dusts your cheeks, your hand reaching up to syzoth's cheek as you softly caress his skin... "i feel the same way syzoth, and what we just did, a kiss, it means i like you- you."

you notice him become slightly nervous as you continue to lovingly look in his eyes, bringing your hand down from his cheek to his hand as you carefully hold it in yours- waiting for his response, "well...then will you be my partner?" you sweetly smile at the offer, "i would love that syzoth."

once more you lean into him as your lips meet his in a quick, yet meaningful, smile softly as you pull away and look to him sweetly, "now..shall i finish your nails and then maybe we can go out and do something?" "that sounds nice."

you nod and go back to concentrating on his other hand, subconsciously smiling at the thought of him finally being yours after all this time...

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