Chapter 30

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"Toby!" You yelled walking in his house hands hidden behind you back
"Yes?" He answered peaking out of his bedroom
"Amanda told me there was going to be a prom soon!"
You said excited "Re-Really?"

You nod happily "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me" you ask him with a huge smile as Toby walked closer to you "I-I don't know...I-I d-don't really like people.."
He answered you "I prefer w-when it's just t-the two o-of-of us"

"Oh- I shouldv'e thought of that" you said your smile fading from your face "S-Sorry Y/n"
"It's fine" you mumble a bit disapointed

"Anyway I'll go back home I came here just to ask you that"
You said "hum,it's for you,here"
Chocolates and his favorites flowers were shoved in Toby's chest as you left

You pout all the way to your place
Toby was sending you messages but you ignore them
It wasn't his fault but you didn't really want to talk with him at the momment

As soon as Amanda told him the news he kept having cute romantic scenario of him and Toby dancing and having fun together

As soon as you left Toby he noticed how excited you really were for this and he start feeling a bit bad
He knew most people would love going to prom with a date

Maybe he could try making an effort for you
Plus as long as you're here he'll ignore everyone else around

He just didn't thought before answering

"HE REJECTED YOU?!" You heard Amanda yelled

You were on facetime with Evan and Amanda was doing her boyfriend's nails at the same time

"He said he prefered when it's just the two of us cause he don't like people" you said with a frown "So you left?" Evan asked
"Yes,but I gave him the gifts before"

"Maybe you should tell him you'll give him head if he agree to go" he said with a smirk earning a slap behind the head from Amanda "No!" You answered rolling your eyes

"It's fine I'll go without him I don't care" you said biting the inside of your cheek

"Try to convince him?"
You shrugg

"If he doesn't come I'll dance with you" Amanda said "Hey!" Evan answered
"What about me?" He asked her
"Just one dance silly" she kissed his cheek
"I'll dance with Y/n too then"
You smile "Thanks guys,I'm glad to have you"


Time skip

You left the bathroom still with the towel around your hips as you enter your bedroom without noticing the brunett that was sat on your bed

You walked to your closet opening it while dropping the towel on the floor

You put your underwear on then grab the rest of your clothes before closing the closet and turning around a scream leaving your throat

"TOBY WHAT THE FUCK" You yelled holding your chest "You scared the shit out of me" you said

Toby was just staring at you in awe like it was the first time seeing you naked

You put on your pyjama pants and sat next to him the shirt still in your hand "You alright?" You asked him
He nod
"What are you doing here?"

"I-I re think a-about what y-you said earlier..and hum"
You raised on of your eyebrow "It's fine Toby I told you"

He shook his head placing his hands on your shoulders "I'll c-come with you to prom"

As soon as the words left his mouth a huge smile was fromed on your face "Really?!"
He nod and you pulled him in a kiss happily "I'm so glad you're coming!" You said before hugging him

Toby smiled back and close his eyes breathing your scent

"Do you have a suit?" You asked him

You pulled away from the hug "We'll go shopping together then! I don't have one ether the one I had is too small"
Toby could see how excited you were and it made him happy "Alright Y/n"

You kissed his lips again before looking at him weirdly "How did you get in? The door is locked"

"Y-you forgot t-to lock the wind-window" he answered

Then you kissed him again getting on top of him pushing him down so he was layed down

When you pulled back you were looking down at him with a smile a the most gentle gaze ever

Oh how happy Toby was to have you

He grab your neck pulling you to his lips again 


Idk if y'all like prom but in France we don't have that
And the thought of going to one seem nice
Even tho there's no alchool it still seem fun to dress up with your friends to go dance


Ticci Toby x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now