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Thank you lairwiteackerman
And CekuraChan
There's more people but these guys are amazing! Fucking love you all 😍🥰😘🤪 and thanks for helping me actually upload and comment on my message board~~ anyways onto this chappie

Something bad is going to happen. I thought as me and snurgle were riding out in wall Maria, I watched as a run down village came into view "hey Hange" I steered my horse to hers "yes bee?" She said and I frowned slightly "something bad is gonna happen...I can feel it" I was worried but she brushed me off "don't worry Y/N, nothing is going to happen"

I got off my horse and I walked around "this is weird guys...where are all the titans?" I said and I looked at the eerie empty lands, I directed my gaze to the others as they were setting up camp in the broken down houses.

I frowned "god, why don't they listen" i grumbled and walked a little further and i picked up a rock. I threw it into the bushes and I heard a little noise "hey! Y/N! Get over here!" A voice yelled "...Yeah! Coming!" I turned and ran to the group.


"Shit!" I grumbled as I slid my bag of money to miche "thanks" he smiled and put it in his pocket. I pouted and looked around, Erwin was talking with Levi, and Hange was talking with the kids "yo Hange! Don't bore them to death" I chuckled and she stuck her tongue out at me

I got up and I said to Hange "I bet fifteen bucks you can't beat miche" she gasped and ran past me to Miche "oh it's on!"

I sat next to the kids " guys better not get hurt" I playfully glared at them "or I will drag you back from the dead" I went to poke one of them in the forehead but I jabbed my finger in jean's eyes "oh shit sorry"

I looked around and I saw Levi glaring disapproving at me "what the fuck are you glaring at short stack?!" I yelled and he scoffed "your abusing the brats" he walked over to us "yeah that's nothing new to you" i sneered and lifted Eren into a hug "you caused this poor innocent baby to have trauma" I patted the brunettes hair

"Tch he's just a stupid brat that needs to learn his lesson" he says and I gasped "how dare you!" I knew I was being dramatic, but it pisses Levi off so it's automatically fun.

"Shut it brat, you're acting stupid" he scoffs and I snickered and turned to the kids, totally ignoring Levi "ok scram to your tents, we're leaving first thing in the morning" I ordered and they nodded and ran off, Connie and Sasha tripped over each other.

I turned to Levi "alright I'm tired...imma head to bed" I walked past Levi but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back "Y/N" he started and i shifted all my attention to him "be careful alright? It would suck to deal with hange, it would be disgraceful for you to die a useless death" he told me and I yanked my arm out of his grip

"Jesus Levi, I don't need you yapping about my health, I'm fine and I've survived as long as you have. And useless death?" I stepped forward with a frown "are you implying that all the people that died by the titans died I vain?" I said and his eyes widened slightly

"What? No i-" I cut him off "just shut it, I don't need you spewing nonsense." I stepped away "goodnight Levi, I hope you sleep well" I turned to him with a sigh and I walked away to my tent.


We were riding our horses back, the thing that set everyone off was we haven't seen any titans. I honestly don't know what the point of this mission was for "we haven't seen any titans, what's the point of this?!" I yelled and Sasha looked at me "don't say that! You're gonna jinx us!"

"Sasha, be for real, there's no such thing as a jinx" Jean scoffed "oi horse face! Your gonna get us killed" Eren yelled and I rolled my eyes "shut up everyone, the titans will hear you" I said and they went quiet

Afterwards the ground started to rumble and I sat up straighter "shit" i looked behind me and there was a group of titans running after us "Y/N you jinxed us!" Connie screamed and I kept quiet

I started to get ready to stand on my horse "I'll take them down!" I yelled to the front and Levi turned and glared at me "No fucking way brat!" He growled and I ignored him

"Erwin! Answer me!" I yelled at him and he nodded without saying anything "my horse stopped and the group continued forward, I turned around and jumped off my horse and shot my wires into a tree and I kicked off the branch.

I swooped down low, the back of my gear scraped against the ground creating sparks, I zipped around and cut the ankles, I watched it fall to its knees and I flew around it and I cut open its eyes then its nape.

I launched myself into the air, I fell back and I twisted my body and I zoomed to the next one.

As I looked to my left i saw that Levi was also taking down some of the titans. It felt like he was in sync with me, the way he was fighting the titans and the way I was fighting the titans was almost identical. The two of us were acting like one unit, and the efficiency was off the charts. As i looked at him i saw his expression was focused, focused on taking down the titans and making sure everyone was safe. Even amidst all this chaos i couldn't help but smile a little bit.

It gave me confidence with him here, obviously he took down most of them but I went to take down the last one, I heard Levi yelling at me to stop but it was already to late, I went to cut it's eyes out

The titan you were focusing on started to defend itself, it was the largest Titan among the hoard. It was clear that it was going for me, but I was distracted. It raised its huge hands and it managed to swat me to the side before i could even have a chance to cut its eyes out. The impact of the hit made me fly like a bullet, and i went straight towards Levi. I collided with him and we  both went down to the ground with a loud crash.

There was a crack sound, and we landed in a bush. I pushed myself up and looked at Levi, I winced slightly at his ankle, it was bent in an unnatural way, "shit Levi, are you ok?" I whispered and he grunted and sat up "I'm fine"

We both went still as the titan was coming near us "ok one, fuck you Levi, and two, I'm gonna kill it" I stood up and looked at him "do whatever, don't die" he grunted and stood up.


"Sometimes I hate you" I muttered as I helped Levi on my horse "not my fault you made me get hurt" he snapped back and my eye twitched "bitch, you were the one who distracted me" I said back and I made the horse gallop

"I was trying to help you" he countered "help me? What by killing me?" I scoffed "no, I was trying to warn you about the hand" he said and I rolled my eyes "look I know you probably hate my guts but seriously Levi, that could've gotten us seriously hurt, you should be happy it's just your ankle" I replied and that actually made him shut up

I sighed "sorry Levi, it's just-" I went quiet as I felt the side of his face pressed against my back "just shut up bee" he whispered and I listened, the rest of the ride back to the wall was silent.


Alright, so Levi didn't actually break his ankle with the Annie situation it was here. He is ooc but that's how I write him, I tried to get everyone in this but it's hard when you forget half the story line haha

I'm not Insufferable || Levi x reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora