Part 2: The Expectant Stage

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The dream was a magic,
And he wiped my tears to cease.
My eyes replied him as a tacit,
"Will never get the moments like these."

The reports were positive,
And I snatched it from him.
Everyone's eyes on me made me strive,
But suddenly I was given a soft hug by him.

The pain started to me after months, a day.
Our face hid it, but our hearts felt gay.
I wasn't in the state to go alone that way,
And requested him few more minutes to stay.
And he was not going to reply me as "NAY".
I remembered a moment that we'll play,
The pain was like, we'll never play a game,
The thought was corrigible, in my mind which came.
His and her smile and smiling time, was same.
It was the best moment of my life, FAMED.

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