tornado warnings

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" I guess maybe that's why
I'm lying to my therapist
I keep saying things like
'I never saw him and we never kissed' "
- Tornado Warnings By Sabrina Carpenter

"Hi y/n! How have you been doing?" My therapist greets me as I took a seat on the soft couch opposing her.

"Hi Rita! Everything's been good" I smile , "Are you still stressing with school or have we got that figured out?" She asks me.

"Nope everything's going smoothly since our last session, what you told me to do really helped thank you!" I say , "I'm glad it worked out for you , what about the breakup?" She writes down.

I felt my heart get a bit heavy. You see , me and my boyfriend of 8 months , Walker broke up recently and I didn't take it well at all.

I was really going through it , but me and rita made a ton of progress in helping me to be happy again.

But I kinda let all that progress go down the drain.

"Umm, yeah it's been good! I'm doing wayyy better!" I lied , Rita nods carefully.

She doesn't know I saw Walker yesterday.

Flashback to yesterday

I was in math class , bored out of my mind since everything the teacher was explaining was easy to me.

I couldn't stop thinking about Walker this morning , he's back at school today since he was back from LA after doing some things for Percy Jackson.

He got a haircut, he looked so good. I tried to stop myself since he's my ex but I couldn't stop daydreaming about him.

"Y/n" My bestfriend Ayla, tapped me with her pen. "Hm?" I said as I zoned back into reality.

"What are you thinking about" she chuckles , "Him" I breathe out.

"Y/n, we've talked about this. You need to get over him!" Ayla says, "I know I know .. I just can't" I rest my cheek in the palm of my hand.

"Aren't you going to therapy for this?" She asks , "I'm not going FOR him.. but yes it is part of it and she's helped me a lot I just don't think it's working" I go on.

"It's a bad idea.. HES a bad idea" She emphasizes , "You're a bad idea" I cross my arms.

"What?" Ayla laughs , "Why do none of you guys like him! It's not like he's a bad ex he's the sweetest boy ever" I explain.

"It's not that he's a bad ex! he's sweet it's just , he makes you go crazy" Ayla says , "Logically he's the last thing I should have on my mind but.. I don't know I just want him there sometimes" I frown.

"And I don't know how im even gonna get over him! That son of a bitch smiled at me today" I continue.

Ayla shakes her head "Okay y/n.. class is over let's go". We both get up, parting our ways as we leave since we had different classes.

I held my books close to my chest as I walked through the hallway until I feel someone pull me.

Next thing I know im in the janitors closet , I look behind me and see walker.

Am I dreaming?

"Hey" he smiles , god that smile of his. "Hi" I smile back.

"You scared me" I lightly punch his shoulder , "Sorry, just... missed you" he says.

"How was Los Angeles?" I ask , "Fun, not as fun without your FaceTimes tho" he says.

"Well we are broken up.." I state the obvious. "We don't have to be" he smirks.

"You're right" I blush , "God y/n, just kiss me before the janitor comes back" he says , pulling me in by my waist before I could even say anything.

I grin as our lips met, I've missed this a lot. I wrap my arms around his neck as he moves his up my back.

We both pull away , we laugh as our foreheads touch.

He intertwined both his hands with mine , "I missed everything about this".

"Why did we ever break up" I move my hands up to both his cheeks.

"I don't know , we're stupid" he chuckles, pulling me in for another kiss.

End of flashback

"Why did you say it like that" Rita tilts her head , smiling. "Like what?" I act stupid.

"When's the last time you two spoke , y/n?" She asks , she knows im a bad liar.

"Um, the week of the breakup?" I say it like it's a question.

"If you're honest, it will help us a lot more" she says.

"Fine , yesterday. I barely even saw him tho it was for a minute and we didn't even kiss or do anything!" I say , immediately regretting it because of how suspicious it sounded.

"When did I say you did that?" Rita chuckles , "Okay .. we did" My body rests.

"Oh boy" She shakes her head , grinning.

tornado warnings is one of my fav songs <33 i really like how this turned out , let me know if should do more chapters based off songs!

also i wrote this in first person pov so tell me if you like this more than third person

King Of My Heart , Walker Scobell ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz