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Next morning
"Morning..." kallius asked I groan covering my face lying on my stomach the door slams open "she's gone, Arthur has gone to the rock and beach, she's not in her bed" kylo said "is he an idiot?" i mutter "more and likely is gonna realise, bring Arthur back you dickhead waking him for shit all" kallius got up "she's gone to Clare's?" Arthur asked "no?" kylo said "you woke me up because she's in his bed? you didn't fucking check?! you twat" Arthur complains I sat up covering my body "don't start with each other" I caught the top from kallius "since when did you sleep naked?" Kylo asked "apparently makes me live longer so you both deal with me longer" I got up "not fully Arthur that then would be torcher.." kallius pulled me back "have a shower" I moved his arms kylo bursts out laughing as Arthur snickers I leave "you actually ditched him just so he could have a shower?" definitely "yeah" I smiled and grab the cup from the cupboard "lace?" Arthur asked I looked up from my making coffee "what? you was looking also?" Arthur said I turned around crossing my arms as Arthur looks over to kallius room with his door open "i wouldn't be scared of him if you point it out again" I said as his door closed "just weird...touchy..then his bed wearing lace?" let me guess all his guests had the same issue and he gave in "jealous he knows more self control over you?" I smiled before turning around to my coffee "you ain't living here rent free anymore" he said which I laughed "okay.." I take my cup adding milk "who said what? why is it quiet?" kallius walks in I sip my coffee smiling "fucking prick" he storms off I giggle ahh I looked at kallius as kylo points "what I making you coffee also don't give that look.." I said "then he looked once she grabbed the cups and that's how it started" kylo snitches "yeah get him killed while your ahead they both looked but it's Arthur who pointed out my thong.." I spot something in my cup failing to get it out
"Araya?" a girl asked I looked up then back down at my cup "give it here.." kylo takes it I saw Laura and her friends "she's the newbie..in kallius shirt? you didn't tell us sooner we would have been there for the tradition" her mate said I looked at kallius confused "you always give your shirts away?" I asked him "answers no" he replied ughh prick "only wanted a hoodie from marshmallow" I pout kylo hands my cup back "actually might cover your tattoo" kylo got up I looked at my left side it is covered how the fuck? "figured out what you can do?" Laura asked "hypnosis.." I sip my coffee walking passed them to my room actually wearing clothes after my shower "strawberries?" one of Laura friend shoved them in my face which I took off her "so you need to learn con"-"she's not a full on new wolf krissi been almost a year iv only just introduced you" Laura interrupted hectic year "say so then...okay who did you cling onto?" she asked me wait so every single one goes to one of the three? "My guess Arthur she seems like someone will be by his side" another buts in really? "what about you?" I asked krissi "with that attitude definitely not she got close with kallius" she said I smiled eating the strawberries ahh your both wrong "they act like siblings it's Arthur" the other said as they all walked over I stay quiet "what are they talking about?" Arthur asked "ask them and find out.." I cuddled up to kallius making more room "who the new wolf cling onto" Laura said whilst on her phone "kylo that till he ditched her for some other girl then kallius ever since.." Arthur sat back taking the strawberry's off me "I wasn't done" I slapped the side of his head taking them back "you bitch, don't start showing off because others are here" he said ripping them off me "you have a full blown crush on Laura so shut your mouth with me fucking showing off?" I take the box back off him taking a strawberry "he told you?" he meant kallius mentioned it to me "it's obvious once her text comes through you rush off to your room, when she calls rush into your room, you even smiled once she came through the doors which you never fucking do" I sat up "could be something else.." he mutters "yeah right sure" I sat back "you two done?" kylo asked "that's normal to you?" Krissi whispers "with her around yup..oi! don't fucking ignore me" he throws a pillow which I catched looking over to him "yes you, answer me" he asked "are you blind?" actual dickhead I swear Arthur gets up i looked over to Laura who's smiling I wasn't lying I look at the texts ugh to dry if you asking me

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