Chapter 7: She with who?

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The weekend went fast by. It felt like a mere second and absolutely not 48 hours, especially when you sleep in from your hangover and later embarrass yourself by finding out what happened at the party. Ethan got some photos and videos from the party where he was wildly dancing and then puking all over the place but somehow he couldn't remember any of it.

So now it was Monday. No one can stand Mondays, neither did the boy. Specifically this time because it was pissing down all of the morning and it wouldn't stop. One of the only highlights he had today was German class with Mr. Green. The man was in his 30s and taught the language in a funny way so that everyone understood. He liked Ethan particularly as he was one of the best ones. The Briton's mother was from Germany, so he could speak the language fluently. It was mostly of pleasure for Ethan to attend the class, although sometimes it felt really boring, like now.

"Guten Morgen Kinder, bitte nimmt eure Plätze" (Good morning children, please take your seats) Mr. Green greeted and began. "Today we are going to learn the order of the words in main and subordinate clauses".

Ethan played with his pen and eraser as all of the 'new stuff' felt for him natural. His eyes wandered around the class looking for something interesting. Or maybe someone interesting.

Just as Olivia, and Ashley, who didn't show up today, Grumpy blondie was with him in the class. Ethan's eyes landed on him as the guy doodled on a pice of paper most likely letting all of the teachers explanations pass past his ears. Aiden turned his head to find Ethan watching him. He smirked at him and stopped doodling. Instead he tore a new piece of paper and wrote something on it, doodle some lines, folded it and threw it on the Ethans desk.

The brown haired guy looked at the folded paper in front of him as it was an alien object and scanned Aiden once more. The giddy boy wasn't looking at Ethan but his grin was hard to miss. Very hard, his lips literally stretched from an ear to ear. Was the thing on the paper that funny?

He unfolded the white doodled square to find 'suck me off?' with a picture of a cock written down. Underneath followed two boxes for Ethan to check. 'Yes or Yes' were the options to which Ethan smiled and caught Aiden side-eyeing him intrigued.' Is this that fun to him, huhm?'

He took his pen and wrote in German. 'Nur wenn du erst meine Vagina bläst' (only if you blow my vagina first) and checked both boxes. He folded it back and gave the note to Aiden. A crease found its way between the blond's eyebrows when he read the paper. A thin-lipped half smile could be seen but the confusion hanged obviously on his face.

"Aiden, don't you understand something? You look perplexed" Mr. Green noticed and started. Ethan smiled at that, if he'll get caught it'll be perfect.

"Nothing, Sir. I just read something wrong but now I got it" The guy told the teacher and didn't touch Ethan till the end of the lesson, which unfortunately wasn't that spectacular for anyone to participate actively.

Finally the time was almost up, last five minutes and lunch. "Okay, class, as homework I want you to create a story in pairs, using as much subordinate clauses as possible. The story can be about anything and at least twenty sentences long. Extra points will be added if you use past tenses. And the pairs are following: " The teacher announced and had everyone hold their breath, partner assignments are always the worst one, you never know who you will be paired up with, a guy near him whispered to him.

"Nathan Reyes with Noah White, Olivia Hampton with Aiden Scott... " Oh shit. Maybe it isn't that bad.

"What? NO way, nuh-uh, I am not doing that with him, N.O." Olivia started, to which Mr. Green smiled and ignored the tantrum, reading his list further down " ...Patrick Woods with Ethan Keil... " He read all the names, which made maybe twelve pairs, if Ethan counted correctly. He wondered who Patrick was, he's never heard of him so maybe he'll be the one to find him.

"I'll expect 13 stories from 13 pairs by next Monday, have a nice beginning of the week, you're free to go" The teacher let the class go just when the bell rang.

Olivia shot up from her seat and ran up to Mr. Green to argue his decision of her pair. She tried to persuade the man but he wouldn't give in, so maybe out of kindness Ethan went to Mr Green too and tried what he could do to save Olivia.

"May I pair with Aiden, and she'll be with Patrick then, Mr. Green? And maybe I could teach Aiden something new, I doubt that Patrick needs as much help as Aiden." He lied about that. He didn't know if Patrick was good and if Aiden was really that bad in German. But maybe it would work. Hopefully for Olivia.

"Yes you see, Mr. Green, Ethan says himself that he'd like to change his pair from Patrick to Aiden, so please" Olivia pushed not giving up.

Wait, what did she just say?

The teacher pinched his nose bridge and let them finally exchange their partners. "Hgh, okay Olivia, you may pair with Patrick, then you, Ethan, will be with Aiden. Patrick, you are working with Olivia now and, Aiden, you work with Ethan" A pleasant teaching workforce semi-yelled and then started packing his stuff "now excuse me I have my lunch".

Ethan looked at the teenagers, that were getting out of the classroom and spotted a guy, that Olivia happily ran to, looking at him briefly. His brows were drawn together and lips formed a thin upside-down smile. Was he sad to be with Olivia or what? Whatever, Olivia is a bit calmer and happier now, yet he has now a paired fate with the hot unfriendly blondie. "Yo partner" Aiden called at him and smirked. "We are meeting at yours on Wednesday" he said, getting past Ethan. "Okay?" He asked for his agreement.

Wow maybe he's at least a little descent, once he was asking for agreement and not dictating.

"Sure, see you at 5pm, I'll text you my address" Ethan replied staring at him with a poker face.

Now, he had to move, the queue in the canteen is probably a kilometre long by now. 

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