Free of Charge 1

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A man walking down the streets with a bundle of fliers in his hand. He had to deliver them to a tattoo parlour. The parlour was not far from his shop, within walking distance. As he entered the tattoo parlour, the bell on top of the door chimed. At the sound of the bell , the receptionist looked up from his laptop. On seeing a familiar face, the receptionist gave him a genuine smile. The man returned the smile with the same genuinity. The receptionist, whose name tag read 'Wen Ning' said, " Are those our fliers? "
" Yup, they were ready today, so I thought I will just drop them off. "

" Thanks so much man...."

They made some small talk, and then left. Wen Ning opened up the bundle and read the flier, the tagline said,

' Free tattoos for everyone '

Wen Ning satisfied with the color and caligraphy of the flier, put them back up in the bundle and contacted his boss to rely the information.

In a cozy bedroom devoid of any light, despite the sun having risen long back, courtesy of the thick curtains the owner insisted be put, a young man was fast asleep on the bed, jumbled in the bedsheet and the blanket. The pindrop silence of the house was disturbed by the ringtone of his mobile. He groaned because of the disturbance. He tried to ignore the rings first , but then eventually gave up, as the caller was relentless.

Wen Ning on the other hand kept calling his boss very well acquainted with his habit of sleeping till the noon. When his third call went unanswered, he took a deep breath and the name ' Xiao Zhan ' again.

Xiao Zhan had to finally give up his sleep, thanks to his assistant's stubbornness.

The music blasted from the speakers placed in the dance studio. The students present in the room did their best to keep up with their instructor. Finally the music stopped and the students heaved a sigh of relief at the break. The instructor turned around and addressed his students. He pointed out where they were lacking and needed improvement. He also made sure to praise them and encourage their efforts. And finally he wound up the class. Long after the students had left the building, the instructor was still there practicing his moves. He only caught a break when his roommate and friend came to pick him up after his job.

Song Lan loved calligraphy. He had since he was a child. As he grew up the interest remained and he made it his profession. As his skills became known, he was more sought after for his service. As time passed, he had gained enough fame to do only customised works. Right now he was on his way to his home, but before that he had to pick up his roommate. He parked the car in front of the studio. As much as he knew his friend, he was sure that he would still find him practicing long after his shift has ended. And as he had expected, he saw him practicing. He called out his name to get his attention.

"Yibo "

Wang Yibo heard his name . His roommate stood at the door. Without further ado, he packed up his things and headed out. On their way to their home, they told each other about their day. Song Lan while telling Yibo about the projects he was working on, suddenly remembered something and handed him a flier saying, " I did this for my friend. You know the one who opened a tattoo shop last year. It's their one year anniversary next week and they have this offer. "

" The shop must have been a real hit of they could afford to ink free tattoos in just a year. I am still struggling to pay the rent of the studio after starting this for almost 2 years. "

" It's not like that, Zhan already came from a well off family. They have their own business, you know, however Zhan wanted to become a tattoo artist, and his family completely supported him. So you know money is not an issue for him. "

" Oh, that is really nice. "

" Anyway, I thought you might be interested in this, since you wanted to cover up that scar for a long time...."

" Yeah. Maybe I will. Let's see. "

The rest of the ride was spent in silence.

It was late in the night when Xiao Zhan received a call. Being the night owl that he was, he was designing some new tattoos. He picked up the call on seeing the familiar number," Hey Song Lan, how can I be of assistance to you? "

Song Lan chuckled on the other end," Hey Zhan, I knew you wouldn't be asleep now. That's why I called. I hope you don't mind. "

" No worries man. What's up? "

" I actually wanted an appointment at the nearest date. When is the next one available? "

" Well tomorrow is all booked, but we can arrange something on the day after. "

" That would be fine. "

" Alright what do you want ? "

" Actually it's for my friend. He has this scar, that he wanted to cover up. We haven't thought of a design yet. But I will let you know tomorrow itself. "

" Ok that's fine. Just let me know if you want any help."

" Alright thanks man. Good night."

" Night. "

After the call ended, Song Lan went back to his room, where his roommate had crashed after gulping half a bottle of beer. He sat beside the sleeping boy and caresses his hand on the scar just above the clavicle. A scar that still made him shed tears. Hopefully he cover it up and make it into something beautiful. He trusts Zhan to do that.

Hello everyone,
So this is a new plot. It's just the introduction. Just to build up the story. Our heroes are going to meet in the next chapter. 😊😊

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