Never late 5

516 32 8

This was supposed to be a one shot😅

As Haikuan and Zhan discussed earlier that week, they had come to watch a movie. They had reached the theatre on time so there was no interaction prior to the movie. During the interval, Ayuan wanted popcorn. So Zhan went to buy some. While Yibo stayed behind with Ayuan. Cheng and Haikuan also got out to go to the washroom.

Meanwhile in the theatre, Ayuan was getting restless. He was a kid. And he didn't like sitting still for so long. He wanted to play around. Yibo didn't wanted to let him, as it was a busy place, but he was fussing a lot so he let him down from his lap. But he specifically instructed him to not go out of the theatre and to not make much noise. Ayuan nodded and ran from his aisle to the screen. Yibo followed him with his eyes making sure he didn't fall or get lost. Ayuan was merely fascinated with the screen showing his favourite characters and wanted to see for himself the magic behind it. So, he ran towards it. But after staring it for some time and and running his hand on it, he was bored and decided to go back to Yibo. He ran back the same way he reached there. However, the interval time was almost over and people were returning to their seats. Ayuan in his rush to reach Yibo collided with a couple who were carrying popcorn and drinks to their seat. As a result the popcorn fell and the couple were now drenched in their favourite drink. Understandably the couple were furious. Ayuan was on the floor among the pocorns. Seeing the reason of their misfortune, the couple were evidently angry. Yibo ran from his seat as soon as he saw the accident.

When the couple saw the adult responsible for the kid, they didn't control their mouths from running. They started spewing insults about bad parenting and irresponsible behaviour. Yibo was silent except for the occasional sorry. But one snide remark from the couple about Ayuan was enough to change Yibo's whole demeanor, and soon enough the fight had escalated. And the theatre witnessed as they screamed accusations at each other.

On the other hand, Haikuan and Zhan were returning back after buying popcorn and an ice cream for Ayuan. They were silent until Haikuan started, " Thank you, Zhan. "

Zhan was clearly confused at this. Though Haikuan was his brother in law, they didn't exactly have a loving relationship. They just didn't dislike each other. Apart from that all the trouble Zhan had given him as his psychiatrist, thank you was the last thing he expected.

Haikuan having read his expression continued, " My brother, though he shows himself to be strong and angry all the time, he is not like that in reality. I remember, he wouldn't go anywhere without me, not even to school. Then his boyfriend came. Though Yibo became a little distanced from me, he was still the same shy and anxious person. But then his boyfriend abandoned him and our parents left him too. He was all alone. I know that he was really scared, but still he kept going. As much as I wanted to be there for him, I didn't wanted to force anything on him. But I never understood why he would refuse to keep any contact with me, until now. We talked. During the dinner. He told me how mom and dad had filled his mind about him being incapable of doing anything on his own and about always being dependent on me and disturbing my life in the process. He also told me, how you helped him realise that their words doesn't matter. That he didn't need to prove anything."

Zhan was flustered. Though Haikuan's words were heartfelt, Zhan never did well with compliments. Zhan wanted to say how much Yibo himself had changed him. The whole reason he went for therapy was because of his short temper. However with Yibo and Ayuan he has become a lot more patient. However he wouldn't need to say that. Haikuan and Cheng were about to witness the change in Zhan's behaviour with their own eyes.

They were getting back to the theatre. Zhan was about to reply to Haikuan. However, they were distracted by a commotion. Haikuan and Zhan both ran to the middle of the crowd when they noticed Cheng holding back a furious Yibo. Upon reaching them, Zhan immediately asked Yibo what happened. The couple on the other hand were still furious and were held back by people around. After getting a brief account of the happening from Yibo, Zhan turned towards them. Though Cheng reached them before Zhan and Haikuan, he also did not have a clear idea of what had transpired. He was busy trying to handle Ayuan at first who was crying hysterically by that time. However as soon as Cheng came and took hold of Ayuan, Yibo had basically broken down on them. The couple were really young and just as hot blooded as him.

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