Ch.4:No good press

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Diane was patching Julie up.

Wolf:Pseudo, Lucas, and Squawker? Way too much of a coincidence.

Diane was hugging Julie.

Diane:We're so sorry we weren't there.

Julie:It's okay, Mom. I'll be fine. Also, you want to dial back the hugging a bit. My torso is already in pain, and you're not exactly helping.

Diane:Oh, sorry.

She let go.

Ben:Uh, you guys may want to see this.

He turned the TV on too a news report. It was Sally Ratmousen, the head of the Daily Rat, rival to the Rodent's Gazette.

 It was Sally Ratmousen, the head of the Daily Rat, rival to the Rodent's Gazette

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Sally:Quite the story rocks our humble city. Several of Los Angeles' villains have appeared in our city.

The report showed footage Julie's fight.

Sally:Would you look at that. The young Ms.Raccoon fighting on her own. Unbelievable that her teammates would leave her to fight on her own.

Julie:What?! They literally caught me off guard. And I would have called for help if I could do that and get shot at at the same time!

Sally:And what's even worse, she forced Ben Stilton and Pandora Pretty Paws to help go up against these hooligans!

Pandora:She didn't force us! We chose to help her!

Sally:Not to mention the three villains got away. If these three villains are here, no telling who else has arrived. We'll stick with this story as it develops.

Thea turned the TV off.

Thea:Don't pay any attention to her. Sally's stories are always a load

Julie:Unbelievable. I help try to beat three villains, get pummeled, and I'm made to look incompetent.

Snake:I wouldn't sweat it kid. I doubt things will get bad over one lousy news story.

Geronimo:News here spreads fast, so hopefully things won't escalate too badly.

Pandora seemed to be think.

Shark:Something wrong, kid?

Pandora:I've been thinking about what Pseudo said "Our plan is only just beginning" I am pretty nervous of what he meant by that.

Julie:Yeah, something tells me things are gonna get a whole lot worse.

Meanwhile, the villains were discussing the recent job.

Shadow:I can't believe you screwed up this badly!

Lucas:Excuse me?!

Shadow:You idiots couldn't handle a little kid? I thought you were professionals.

Squawker:A little kid with fighting skills!

Pseudo:Besides, the cops arrived. What were we supposed to do? Let ourselves get arrested?

Shadow growled.

Marmalade:Alright, everyone settle down. I think I should take the lead on the next attack, and Shadow should accompany me.

Shadow:On that I agree. I wanna see if this girl and her family is as tough as you say.

Marmalade:Await the orders. I know our friend wouldn't like it...

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